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Restaurant Scraper

This project is a Python-based script to scrape product and location data from different restaurant websites. It supports parallel execution for faster processing and makes it easy to add new parsers.


  • Scrapes data from specified restaurants.
  • Saves the scraped data to .hlds files for further use.
  • Supports parallel and sequential execution modes, configurable via a boolean flag.
  • Designed to be extendable with new restaurant parsers.

How to Run


  • Python 3.x installed on your system.
  • Install the required dependencies (e.g., requests, BeautifulSoup, etc.).

Run the Script

  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd haldis_een_prijsje
  2. Install Dependencies:

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Run the Script: To scrape data for a specific restaurant:

    • Set restaurant_name to the desired restaurant (e.g., "simpizza") in the script.
    • Enable or disable parallelism by toggling the use_parallelism flag (True or False).
  4. Run for All Restaurants: Set run_everything to True in the script to scrape data from all available restaurants.


  • restaurant_name: Set this to the name of the restaurant you want to scrape.
  • use_parallelism: Set to True for parallel execution or False for sequential execution.
  • run_everything: Set to True to scrape all restaurants; otherwise, leave it as False.

Adding a New Parser

To add support for a new restaurant scraper:

  1. Check for Open Issues:

    • Navigate to the Issues section of this repository.
    • Look for an unsigned issue related to the new parser.
    • Assign the issue to yourself.
  2. Implement the Parser:

    • Create a new scraper file under scrapers/ (e.g.,
    • Implement a get_prices() method in the new scraper, returning (see interface in scrapers/
      • A list of products.
      • Location information.
  3. Add the Parser to the Main Script:

    • Define a new function in (e.g., run_newrestaurant):
      def run_newrestaurant():
          newrestaurant_products, newrestaurant_location = NewRestaurantScraper.get_prices()
          with open("hlds_files/newrestaurant.hlds", "w", encoding="utf-8") as file:
              file.write(str(newrestaurant_location) + "\n")
          print("newrestaurant done")
    • Add the function conditionally to the tasks list in
      if restaurant_name.lower() == "newrestaurant" or run_everything:
  4. Test Your Parser:

    • Run the script to ensure your parser works as expected.
    • Fix any bugs or errors.
  5. Submit Your Work:

    • Mark the issue as resolved and create a pull request to merge your changes.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Always assign yourself an open issue before starting work.
  • Follow the project structure and coding conventions.
  • Test your changes thoroughly before submitting a pull request.
  • Ensure your code is well-documented.

Utility Functions Documentation

This document provides an overview of all utility functions included in the script.

fetch_and_parse_html(url: str) -> BeautifulSoup

Fetches and parses the HTML content from a given URL.

  • Parameters:
    • url (str): The URL to fetch.
  • Returns: A BeautifulSoup object containing the parsed HTML, or None if fetching fails.

only_keep_UTF_8_chars(text: str) -> str

Filters out non-UTF-8 characters from the given text.

  • Parameters:
    • text (str): The input text to filter.
  • Returns: A string containing only UTF-8 characters.

safe_get(link: str)

Performs a GET request to the given URL and handles ConnectionError.

  • Parameters:
    • link (str): The URL to fetch.
  • Returns: A requests.Response object if successful, or an empty string if a ConnectionError occurs.


Extracts all non-empty text content from <span> elements within a given <div>.

  • Parameters:
    • div: A BeautifulSoup <div> element.
  • Returns: A list of strings containing the extracted text.

filter_divs(soup, class_name, condition)

Filters <div> elements from a parsed HTML based on a user-defined condition.

  • Parameters:
    • soup: A BeautifulSoup object containing the HTML content.
    • class_name (str): The class name of the <div> elements to filter.
    • condition (callable): A function that takes a <div> element and returns True if the <div> matches the condition.
  • Returns: A list of <div> elements that match the condition.


Generates a condition function to check if a <div> contains an <h2> tag with the specified text.

  • Parameters:
    • text_to_search (str): The text to search for within an <h2> tag.
  • Returns: A function that takes a <div> and returns True if it contains an <h2> tag with the specified text.

download_pdf(url: str, save_path: str)

Downloads a PDF from a given URL and saves it locally.

  • Parameters:
    • url (str): The URL of the PDF to download.
    • save_path (str): The local path to save the downloaded PDF.
  • Returns: None. Prints a success or failure message.

parse_pdf(file_path: str, coords: tuple = None)

Extracts text from a PDF file. Optionally extracts text from a specified rectangular region.

  • Parameters:
    • file_path (str): Path to the PDF file.
    • coords (tuple, optional): A tuple defining the rectangle (x0, top, x1, bottom). Defaults to None for full-page extraction.
  • Returns: Extracted text as a string.

get_page_dimensions(file_path: str, page_number: int = 1)

Retrieves the dimensions of a specified page in a PDF.

  • Parameters:
    • file_path (str): Path to the PDF file.
    • page_number (int): The 1-based index of the page. Defaults to 1.
  • Returns: A tuple containing the width and height of the page in points.

comma_float(inp: str) -> float

Converts a string representation of a number with a comma as a decimal separator to a float.

  • Parameters:

    • inp (str): The input string containing the number (e.g., "1,23").
  • Returns:

    • A float where commas in the input string are replaced with dots to adhere to standard decimal notation (e.g., 1.23).
  • Example:

    number = comma_float("1,23")
    print(number)  # Output: 1.23