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add nested view test case
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joongwon committed Mar 3, 2025
1 parent 6038731 commit 7350dd8
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Showing 3 changed files with 55 additions and 59 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions bin/js/recorder/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,8 +9,11 @@ open Interp_effects
include Recorder_intf

let get_path_from_checkpoint = function
| Retry_start (_, pt) | Render_check pt | Render_finish pt | Effects_finish pt
| Retry_start (_, pt)
| Render_check pt
| Render_finish pt
| Render_cancel pt
| Effects_finish pt ->

type tree = { path : string; name : string; children : tree list }
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -329,7 +329,6 @@ let rec render (vs : view_spec) : tree =
| Vs_list vss -> List ( vss ~f:render)
| Vs_comp comp_spec ->
let path = perform Alloc_pt in
perform (Checkpoint { msg = "Render"; checkpoint = Render_check path });
let view =
Expand All @@ -340,6 +339,7 @@ let rec render (vs : view_spec) : tree =
perform (Update_ent (path, view));
perform (Checkpoint { msg = "Render"; checkpoint = Render_check path });
let { comp; arg } = comp_spec in
let ({ param; body } : comp_def) = perform (Lookup_comp comp) in
let env = Env.extend Env.empty ~id:param ~value:arg in
Expand Down
105 changes: 49 additions & 56 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,82 +32,48 @@ let parse_js s =
(Some { Parser_env.default_parse_options with components = true })
s None

(* fallback case of alpha_conv_expr; blindly convert all names using the given
bindings for readability *)
let rec alpha_conv_expr_blind : type a.
(string -> string) -> a Syntax.Expr.desc -> a Syntax.Expr.desc =
let open Syntax.Expr in
let alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings { desc; loc } =
{ desc = alpha_conv_expr_blind bindings desc; loc }
fun bindings -> function
fun bindings e ->
let subst { desc; loc } =
{ desc = alpha_conv_expr_blind bindings desc; loc }
match e with
| Const c -> Const c
| Var x -> Var (bindings x)
| Comp c -> Comp c
| View es -> View ( es ~f:(alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings))
| View es -> View ( es ~f:subst)
| Cond { pred; con; alt } ->
pred = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings pred;
con = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings con;
alt = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings alt;
Cond { pred = subst pred; con = subst con; alt = subst alt }
| Fn { self; param; body } ->
self = ~f:bindings self;
body = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings body;
| App { fn; arg } ->
fn = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings fn;
arg = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings arg;
Fn { self = ~f:bindings self; param; body = subst body }
| App { fn; arg } -> App { fn = subst fn; arg = subst arg }
| Let { id; bound; body } ->
id = bindings id;
bound = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings bound;
body = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings body;
Let { id = bindings id; bound = subst bound; body = subst body }
| Stt { stt; set; init; body; label } ->
stt = bindings stt;
set = bindings set;
init = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings init;
body = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings body;
init = subst init;
body = subst body;
label = bindings (Int.to_string label) |> Int.of_string;
| Eff e -> Eff (alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings e)
| Seq (e1, e2) ->
( alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings e1,
alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings e2 )
| Eff e -> Eff (subst e)
| Seq (e1, e2) -> Seq (subst e1, subst e2)
| Bop { left; right; op } ->
left = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings left;
right = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings right;
| Uop { arg; op } -> Uop { arg = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings arg; op }
Bop { left = subst left; right = subst right; op }
| Uop { arg; op } -> Uop { arg = subst arg; op }
| Alloc -> Alloc
| Set { obj; idx; value } ->
obj = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings obj;
idx = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings idx;
value = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings value;
| Get { obj; idx } ->
obj = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings obj;
idx = alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings idx;
| Print e -> Print (alpha_conv_expr_blind' bindings e)
Set { obj = subst obj; idx = subst idx; value = subst value }
| Get { obj; idx } -> Get { obj = subst obj; idx = subst idx }
| Print e -> Print (subst e)

(* convert names in src to match those in base *)
let rec alpha_conv_expr : type a.
(string -> string) -> a Syntax.Expr.t -> a Syntax.Expr.t -> a Syntax.Expr.t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1007,6 +973,32 @@ D ()
Alcotest.(check' string)
~msg:"C gets printed two times" ~expected:"C\nC\n" ~actual:output

let nested_view_render_order () =
let prog =
let C x =
useEffect (print x);
let D _ =
let (x, setX) = useState 0 in
useEffect (setX (fun _ -> 42));
useEffect (print "D");
[C "0", [C "1", C "2"]]
let E _ =
useEffect (print "E");
[D (), C "3"]
E ()
let output = run_output prog in
Alcotest.(check' string)
~msg:"effects run in correct order"
~expected:"0\n1\n2\nD\n3\nE\n0\n1\n2\nD\n" ~actual:output

let () =
let open Alcotest in
run "Interpreter"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1109,5 +1101,6 @@ let () =
test_case "Idle child's effects are run when parent re-renders" `Quick
test_case "Nested view render order" `Quick nested_view_render_order;
] );

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