This repository contains material related to Udacity's Deep Learning Nanodegree Foundation program. It consists of a bunch of project I developed.
- Gradient Descent Project
- IMDB With Keras: Film analysis using IMDB data.
- Sentiment-Classification: Classify films reviews (good and bad reviews)
- StudentAdminissionAnalysis: Study of pass and reproved students
- StudentAdmissionsKeras: Using Keras to predict if a student passed or reproved.
- Bike Sharing Prediction: Predicting the number of bikes needed in a new bike sharing bussiness.
- Dog Breed Classifier: Learn and predict a dog breed.
- Simpsons TV Script Generator: This code can generate a new script for the famous show The Simpsons.
- Face Generator: Using Generative Adversarial Networks, this code generates numbers and faces based on celebrities.