Changelog (2025-02-19T13:30:44Z)
Welcome to this new release! We hope you enjoy the changes we've made.
- 6d3358d feat(jira): adding jira target
- f630e71 feat(source): salesforce
- 6c31af9 feat(system): add systems controller
- 1a009ac feat(targets): salesforce target
- 680c5f5 feat: add account server url
- d2699c7 feat: add az servicebus
- eba0d39 feat: added team form
- 9df849e feat: core site teams controller
Bug fixes
- 99e2bde bug: adapter duration conversion
- 52f8cf3 bug: fixing static checks
- 26b65ff bug: lint error
- b8f6295 bug: webhook return status
- be5e77e Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/github_actions/actions/cache-4
- 1ad0a3c Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/github_actions/actions/cache-4
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- c5a5c1b Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/go_modules/github.com/zeiss/fiber-goth-1.2.15
- 10048d2 Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/go_modules/golang.org/x/net-0.31.0
- efbea3d Merge branch 'main' into dependabot/go_modules/knative.dev/serving-0.43.0
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- 4155822 build(deps): bump github.com/logzio/logzio-go from 1.0.8 to 1.0.9
- 561c5f4 build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/jwt
- eafc5f1 build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/jwt/v2 from 2.5.6 to 2.7.2 (#105)
- 0688b9c build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/jwt/v2 from 2.7.2 to 2.7.3
- 1b7f027 build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/nats.go from 1.35.0 to 1.36.0
- 6612f27 build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/nats.go from 1.36.0 to 1.37.0
- 2e6e50b build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/nats.go from 1.37.0 to 1.38.0
- a6001ab build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/nats.go from 1.38.0 to 1.39.0
- 7e1947e build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/nkeys from 0.4.7 to 0.4.8
- df4fdc8 build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/nkeys from 0.4.8 to 0.4.9
- 5a51ee4 build(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/nkeys from 0.4.9 to 0.4.10
- e8de244 build(deps): bump github.com/opencontainers/runc in /tools (#95)
- 2184dea build(deps): bump github.com/openfga/go-sdk from 0.6.0 to 0.6.1
- bca9d0e build(deps): bump github.com/openfga/go-sdk from 0.6.3 to 0.6.4
- 40ae507 build(deps): bump github.com/openfga/go-sdk from 0.6.4 to 0.6.5
- 7957b09 build(deps): bump github.com/sethvargo/go-limiter from 0.7.2 to 1.0.0 (#55)
- a187d49 build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.8.1 to 1.9.1
- f1a19c2 build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/pflag from 1.0.5 to 1.0.6
- 8d2c075 build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0
- 94d4354 build(deps): bump github.com/tidwall/gjson from 1.17.1 to 1.18.0 (#86)
- 5bb00b5 build(deps): bump github.com/xdg-go/scram from 1.0.2 to 1.1.2 (#54)
- 7b42bbc build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/fiber-goth from 1.2.11 to 1.2.12
- 3d84acb build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/fiber-goth from 1.2.12 to 1.2.15
- 9678c43 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/fiber-htmx
- 7b916a7 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/fiber-htmx from 1.3.25 to 1.3.32 (#106)
- 6774a1d build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/fiber-htmx from 1.3.32 to 1.3.33
- ee494e0 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg
- e317998 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg from 0.1.19 to 0.1.20
- 9843817 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg from 0.1.19 to 0.1.20 in /tools
- 5d6bb08 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg from 0.1.20 to 0.1.21
- 456d9da build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg from 0.1.20 to 0.1.21 in /tools
- f8b3463 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg from 0.1.21 to 0.1.22
- 864ecd7 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg from 0.1.21 to 0.1.22 in /tools
- 8cc1276 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg from 0.1.22 to 0.1.23
- b29c1f1 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/pkg from 0.1.22 to 0.1.23 in /tools
- 1d35487 build(deps): bump github.com/zeiss/snow-go
- 70939bf build(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.29.0 to 0.31.0 in /tools
- d2830ea build(deps): bump golang.org/x/crypto from 0.30.0 to 0.31.0
- 340dcfa build(deps): bump golang.org/x/mod from 0.21.0 to 0.22.0
- cd78900 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/mod from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0
- 8c9923c build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.30.0 to 0.31.0
- d5abda1 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.31.0 to 0.32.0
- 411ed47 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.32.0 to 0.33.0
- f9721d8 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.32.0 to 0.33.0 in /tools
- 4159780 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.33.0 to 0.34.0
- fabe8b8 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.34.0 to 0.35.0
- d96c58f build(deps): bump golang.org/x/oauth2 from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0
- 4c34463 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/oauth2 from 0.23.0 to 0.24.0 (#101)
- 0ca5349 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/oauth2 from 0.24.0 to 0.25.0
- 29eb2a3 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/oauth2 from 0.25.0 to 0.26.0
- 1fca4e3 build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sync from 0.10.0 to 0.11.0
- facf8dc build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sync from 0.8.0 to 0.9.0 (#107)
- cde685e build(deps): bump golang.org/x/sync from 0.9.0 to 0.10.0
- 30bf978 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.35.1 to 1.35.2
- f4c69f6 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.35.2 to 1.36.0
- 05b0b90 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.36.0 to 1.36.1
- 81e691e build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.36.1 to 1.36.2
- 75236b9 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.36.2 to 1.36.3
- 91771d8 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.36.3 to 1.36.4
- e497826 build(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.36.4 to 1.36.5
- b05f97d build(deps): bump gorm.io/driver/postgres from 1.5.10 to 1.5.11
- 1778fd8 build(deps): bump gorm.io/driver/postgres from 1.5.9 to 1.5.10
- a3cfa94 build(deps): bump gotest.tools/gotestsum from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 in /tools
- 7f86337 build(deps): bump gotest.tools/gotestsum from 1.11.0 to 1.12.0 in /tools
- fc5a750 build(deps): bump helm/chart-releaser-action from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0
- 56c79f0 build(deps): bump k8s.io/api from 0.31.4 to 0.32.0
- d46a389 build(deps): bump k8s.io/apimachinery from 0.31.4 to 0.32.0
- d55d362 build(deps): bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.29.2 to 0.31.2 (#94)
- fbb1630 build(deps): bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.31.2 to 0.31.3
- 2033894 build(deps): bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.31.3 to 0.31.4
- dc59ad6 build(deps): bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.31.4 to 0.32.0
- 3364150 build(deps): bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.32.0 to 0.32.1
- 87a09a8 build(deps): bump k8s.io/client-go from 0.32.1 to 0.32.2
- eea3cf9 build(deps): bump k8s.io/code-generator from 0.29.2 to 0.30.3 in /tools
- 2d44d8a build(deps): bump k8s.io/code-generator from 0.29.2 to 0.31.1 in /tools
- 4384e67 build(deps): bump k8s.io/code-generator from 0.29.2 to 0.31.2 in /tools (#91)
- d6f8ce1 build(deps): bump k8s.io/code-generator from 0.29.2 to 0.31.3 in /tools
- ad9e0c2 build(deps): bump k8s.io/code-generator from 0.31.3 to 0.31.4 in /tools
- 4e9bbd1 build(deps): bump k8s.io/code-generator from 0.31.4 to 0.32.0 in /tools
- 2f5536d build(deps): bump k8s.io/code-generator from 0.32.0 to 0.32.1 in /tools
- d406782 build(deps): bump k8s.io/code-generator from 0.32.1 to 0.32.2 in /tools
- 48c0dcc build(deps): bump knative.dev/eventing
- 288313f build(deps): bump knative.dev/eventing from 0.43.2 to 0.43.3
- d4d0e6f build(deps): bump knative.dev/eventing from 0.43.3 to 0.44.0
- a0ebdfe build(deps): bump knative.dev/eventing from 0.44.0 to 0.44.1
- 8376dbd build(deps): bump knative.dev/eventing from 0.44.1 to 0.44.2
- aa88b7f build(deps): bump knative.dev/serving from 0.40.1 to 0.42.1
- 3878476 build(deps): bump knative.dev/serving from 0.42.1 to 0.42.2
- 599fb68 build(deps): bump knative.dev/serving from 0.42.2 to 0.43.0
- 708d76a build(deps): bump knative.dev/serving from 0.43.0 to 0.43.1
- 86a302a build(deps): bump knative.dev/serving from 0.43.1 to 0.44.0
- 0a32e54 build(deps): bump mvdan.cc/gofumpt from 0.5.0 to 0.6.0 in /tools
- 6a9bdc4 build(deps): bump mvdan.cc/gofumpt from 0.5.0 to 0.7.0 in /tools
- 53432b4 chore(deps): bump es5-ext from 0.10.62 to 0.10.64
- c30896f chore(deps): bump github.com/cloudevents/sdk-go/v2 from 2.13.0 to 2.15.2
- bf5c158 chore(deps): bump github.com/cloudflare/circl in /tools
- 0079906 chore(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker in /tools
- 64684e8 chore(deps): bump github.com/go-git/go-git/v5 in /tools
- 6a6d711 chore(deps): bump github.com/gofiber/fiber/v2 from 2.52.0 to 2.52.1
- 8113382 chore(deps): bump github.com/jackc/pgx/v5 from 5.4.3 to 5.5.4
- 9ab3c0e chore(deps): bump github.com/nats-io/jwt
- 675cd2c chore(deps): bump github.com/sigstore/cosign/v2 in /tools
- 0f139af chore(deps): bump github.com/sigstore/cosign/v2 in /tools
- 0dc8646 chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0
- a29cdd8 chore(deps): bump golang.org/x/net from 0.22.0 to 0.23.0 in /tools
- 78d30f2 chore(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf from 1.32.0 to 1.33.0
- b731050 chore(deps): bump google.golang.org/protobuf in /tools
- 93c422e chore(deps): bump gopkg.in/go-jose/go-jose.v2 in /tools
- 3686ea9 chore: .gitignore crds
- 378305c chore: Update OpenAPI version to 3.1.0 in api.yml
- 6c3412b chore: add accounts build step
- 2fb9175 chore: add argocd
- 9efbaea chore: add deployment targets
- 6a16c3f chore: add deployment targets
- 92f1c87 chore: add example openfga
- 5002fe2 chore: add migrate sub command
- fcf46d3 chore: add models for migrate
- 20f1cdb chore: add new zeiss/pkg
- 2738fd4 chore: add test endpoint
- dbd2bcf chore: add vscode debug config
- a1f8637 chore: add web helm chart
- fa10cbc chore: add zscaler root certificate
- 0a522cd chore: change api bundle
- 102a9f4 chore: change setup order
- f93d725 chore: clean seperator
- 41241e9 chore: enable lint target
- d5e6ac9 chore: enable sfdc source
- 31d752e chore: fetch all changes for release
- fa41e01 chore: generate crds in pipeline
- 805ca82 chore: goreleaser process
- 8e62f64 chore: move release action
- 9f57277 chore: remove accounting and web charts
- 64bf67d chore: remove cache in action
- d32abf0 chore: remove github.com/nats-io/jwt
- bad2126 chore: remove helm update for old charts
- 71bf35a chore: remove the v from app version
- 26ec510 chore: remove unnessary type annotations
- fe0774d chore: remove v from tag
- 8091737 chore: setup azbus config
- 836f6f2 chore: setup cache path for tools
- 131c85f chore: setup deploy target
- 799393e chore: setup go structure
- a404442 chore: setup minikube local development
- c9cabd4 chore: setup worker transformation
- 2da4a0f chore: setup zScaler in NODE
- 476029b chore: skip accounts and web build
- 515bf73 chore: update Dockerfile archs
- 0116916 chore: update README
- 2abf631 chore: update adapter interface
- 418b3a9 chore: update api spec
- e4969d2 chore: update build process
- 38e6c70 chore: update config for Github
- c5e2331 chore: update cr
- cf53736 chore: update dependencies
- b1289e1 chore: update deps
- 19ec6b5 chore: update devcontainers
- 6146504 chore: update fiber ⚡️ htmx
- f8ab9c6 chore: update fiber-goth
- 9c7d30b chore: update fiber-reload
- c55652d chore: update go.mod
- 9d9ad27 chore: update google/ko
- 603cd96 chore: update goreleaser config
- 44a902b chore: update interfaces
- d4d63f1 chore: update migrate arguments
- 76e3be2 chore: update release action
- df1a08e chore: update release action
- 4f6fefa chore: update scratch container
- d7fae90 chore: update tools
- 0ba69ca chore: update tools
- bff3a80 chore: upgrade goreleaser
- 4260fec chore: use envconfig
- 87c8237 chore: use new datalist component
- 25b3180 doc: README
- f9fd273 doc: add architecture
- b819767 doc: add helm install
- 59238ca doc: add json transformation example
- c0bb77d doc: update README
- 0b2e500 doc: update README
- bcc4f67 doc: update README
- dc68b06 doc: update README
- 43e1e46 doc: update README
- 3fa0f16 doc: update architecture
- d9dec29 doc: update prerequisites
- 70e4242 fix: add libxml2-dev to the workflow
- a648f86 fix: add updater typhoon-web chart
- a131194 fix: adding missing model
- 8d50019 fix: adding nkeys accounts
- 3574f99 fix: build cloudevents source
- 9757f1a fix: charts paths
- c806d39 fix: creating users
- d303066 fix: dependabot config
- c721eca fix: download token
- 93cc4b9 fix: github secret env
- 0600acd fix: golangci issues
- 506fbd0 fix: golint errors
- 78626cb fix: helm chart crds
- 53f2160 fix: helm chart indent
- 73c2ad5 fix: helm chart links
- 78054e0 fix: lint errors
- 0227095 fix: lint types
- 5dfe757 fix: load all env variables
- 92401fd fix: loggercheck
- 7091ab8 fix: loggercheck
- aad2130 fix: operator skgs
- ff1a1e1 fix: platform release amd64
- a766b7b fix: release chart path
- 3dfb483 fix: remove manifest upload
- 9951077 fix: remove old web assets
- 65a0d73 fix: restructure componets
- 3f5fecf fix: salesforce adapter entrypoint
- 9176cba fix: salesforce manifest
- e574c5a fix: salesforce source container
- 88f4e9e fix: serivce and splunk target
- 1e63db8 fix: tag for controller version
- 6ab49b4 fix: target image reference
- 5b94b3f fix: test for bayeux client
- 4fd462e fix: update accounting chart
- 404adad fix: update go.mod
- 6ce11f1 fix: update salesforce spec
- 8c42dc0 fix: updating fiber-htmx components
- d054d08 fix: use chainguard image
- 78358ca fix: use client secret
- 08eac06 fix: use flags
- 10ec57c fix: use gorm adapter
- 461633c refactor(adapter): use OAuth 2.0 credentials flow for Salesforce adapter
- ab60900 refactor: account setup
- 97160bf refactor: clean up components
- 89a9089 refactor: cleanup layout
- 154261a refactor: context
- 50dd309 refactor: system
- 32245f5 refactor: update system
- 6ce527d wio: create user
- e4a2a81 wip:
- e315ca5 wip: account
- dd2b736 wip: account download token
- 0e3c10e wip: account server
- 5c2d1f1 wip: account signing key groups
- eddc352 wip: account switcher
- e56dcf9 wip: account systems
- 4e78e74 wip: accounts adapter
- 6f4ecf5 wip: accounts controller
- 3f17218 wip: accounts resolver
- 399efac wip: add accounting config
- 42b1a4c wip: add accounts handler
- 7bb0e94 wip: add air config
- 0547816 wip: add apis
- 0ad8f76 wip: add config
- e3c8583 wip: add dashboard layout
- 5dc7a9c wip: add helm chart
- e53232f wip: add k8s config
- 69088e6 wip: add list team users
- ae4cc16 wip: add nats target
- a9ee66a wip: add new form
- 07ce508 wip: add poller and webhook
- 82a309b wip: add salesforce source.yaml
- 6cc13f4 wip: add setup knative and examples
- e12392e wip: add snow target
- 54983df wip: add system
- 86a4024 wip: add teams list
- 36196f4 wip: add user to account
- 8771601 wip: adding az bus codegen
- 5cd0904 wip: adding docs workflow
- 1fb8327 wip: adding http account server
- b0a8a56 wip: api adapter
- 024263c wip: api client setting
- 8698fdb wip: api handlers
- 7004fe7 wip: artifact name
- fd9be1a wip: authenticator
- e904248 wip: az bus
- 8e97684 wip: bridges
- e542379 wip: build nats
- a4405d4 wip: change api
- c4e2c4e wip: change release action
- 491702b wip: chart releases
- d93791f wip: charts
- 05b15a1 wip: charts values
- 53b996d wip: checkout steps run
- a1285f9 wip: clean up
- cd08992 wip: clean up api
- c5239d0 wip: cleanup schema
- 0a307dc wip: component layout
- 68e8378 wip: connect account user
- 5912ce1 wip: controller factory
- 64cb816 wip: core config
- ca8daf6 wip: create a user
- 109fcd3 wip: create accoun signing keys
- 7d05078 wip: create account
- 2e1df53 wip: create account
- f983a07 wip: create account
- ebb3097 wip: create account
- d9a8d20 wip: create account
- 670bea0 wip: create account with signing key group
- 7c9cf47 wip: create and list operators
- fcd0309 wip: create helm chart
- af121a2 wip: create new account
- c6ee763 wip: create operator
- afe0f22 wip: create operator with system account
- 9283acf wip: create signing key
- c4226f3 wip: create signing key group
- edb587a wip: create token on operator creation
- 9c77529 wip: creating system and associate operator
- da89fb9 wip: default layout
- 4af7a1c wip: delete operator
- 8ab9cea wip: delete token
- 8d69370 wip: delete user
- 717e193 wip: deploy step
- 2e809a8 wip: disable lint
- cc4d45f wip: download credentials
- 0952c11 wip: download token
- e5b26b7 wip: dto
- debf967 wip: embed objects
- 074ed78 wip: example data setup
- 913a7b1 wip: extension
- 04aff83 wip: fiber authz
- 0af206e wip: fix Makefile
- 73467e8 wip: fix charts path
- 20d8f62 wip: fix release permissions
- bc720fb wip: fix token generation
- 1b17cc8 wip: fixing Makefile path
- 9d023e0 wip: fixing release repository
- a78a132 wip: generate api
- 5f21ca6 wip: generate crds
- bcab17e wip: generate credentials file
- abe5dd7 wip: generate next client
- c64c3bc wip: generate user
- f1d964f wip: get operator
- 59e1d9a wip: get user
- 10846d4 wip: get user credentials
- 5224974 wip: hard code image name
- f6be154 wip: image reference
- 50d0ee0 wip: inital model
- d6eb450 wip: jetstream config
- 62c10c0 wip: k8s config
- 8213e68 wip: launch vscode
- 9e75955 wip: link accounts in user
- 61838e4 wip: list accounts pagination
- 7f20fd6 wip: list accounts transformers
- 197bcc6 wip: list operator
- 10990eb wip: list operator accounts
- a472827 wip: list operators
- 1bfb5f2 wip: list subscriptions
- 6c926d6 wip: list systems
- 9d06130 wip: load data
- b87cb3a wip: map core events
- dab43e3 wip: model validation
- e81d832 wip: move migrate command
- 76fe93c wip: move permissions to fga
- c18abc0 wip: new forms
- ef77874 wip: new pagination results
- bdca132 wip: nkey component
- 42a551c wip: nkey model
- aa40453 wip: oob update messages
- 97cf201 wip: operator
- 4b3417c wip: operators controller
- 2b2d1c1 wip: pagination of accounts
- 95cbe26 wip: pagination teams results
- 0f3dc38 wip: polymorphic keys and tokens
- c924ba5 wip: prefix apis
- 514bcb2 wip: public nkey
- f91584c wip: query rows users
- e381e71 wip: refactor
- 93fa82a wip: refactor account server
- 4e04618 wip: refactor handler structure
- 64446cd wip: refactor pagination
- de1919b wip: refactor readTx and readWriteTx
- d23285f wip: refactor readtx datastore
- c6d44be wip: remove core
- cafa6f6 wip: remove deployment
- 7b11ca3 wip: remove kafka target
- cc8c1c4 wip: remove test
- 7545066 wip: rename values charts
- e698cec wip: render error
- 5d9a206 wip: restructure admin interface
- 4214726 wip: search element
- 711a7c3 wip: search teams
- faf4629 wip: select operator
- 8e711e4 wip: set etag
- 1c4a5e9 wip: set image tag name
- f25f84c wip: setup api handler
- 792fc4c wip: setup component structure
- cd827c6 wip: setup packages
- 15a620b wip: setup systems controller
- 118735d wip: show account
- 966da2a wip: show system
- 81bdbc3 wip: singing key
- 6e4e358 wip: sinks apis
- 831155b wip: skg controller
- 3dea08e wip: system accounts
- 16d6d24 wip: systems controller
- 13e5042 wip: systems pagination
- d1daf1c wip: team and system switcher
- 263a4f1 wip: teams controller
- a172d78 wip: teams model
- ab707d6 wip: update api
- f5d33ff wip: update chart
- 20fcec9 wip: update container config
- b859ea8 wip: update jwt
- bfc3343 wip: update modules
- 76aae6d wip: update namespace
- 0fda860 wip: update service annotations
- 91de706 wip: update setup scripts
- 2405bd8 wip: update system access
- a7b01ba wip: update system account
- 2e682df wip: update version
- a90d517 wip: update version download
- c976f71 wip: update workload
- 59403e2 wip: updating configs
- 9f05a98 wip: updating fake auhenticator
- bb893a4 wip: use deploy to release
- dbe2e49 wip: use upload pages artifacts action
- 1b14ff3 wip: users list
- 13c8bbd wip: webhook
- e6a596d wip: webhook source and sink
- 804c0c3 wip: workload step
- 72917c0 wip: write team
- 51bb032 🚀 init repo