Ruby on Rails Decal Final Project
Title: eLib
Team Members: Yash Agarwal, Shoumma Shams, Aman Sidhant
Online eBook library where members can borrow an eBook, and admins can handle books and fine members.
Models & Description:
• Books
o Has title, author, year, genre, number of copies, and whether it is available for issue
o The associations are that it has and belongs to users
• Users
o Has email, password, and balance
o Has amount of money attributed to them to be deducted for fines
o The associations are that it has and belongs to books
• Admins
o Has email and password
• Admins and users can log in
• Users can issue and return books
• Users can register
• Admins can check what books are borrowed, what books a member has, and can fine members for overdue books
• Admins can add and remove books from the library.
Division of Labour:
• Yash: models & controllers
• Shoumma: views & styling
• Aman: models & controllers