Shakti will be providing developers with fast & powerful yet easy to use Python Async Interface, without the complexity of using Liburing and io_uring
- Mostly all events are planned to go through
backend, this is a design choice.
Work in progress... This project is in early planning
state, so... its ok to play around with it but not for any type of serious development, yet!
- Linux 6.11+
- Python 3.9+
# To install | upgrade. Includes ``liburing``.
python3 -m pip install --upgrade git+
# To uninstall
python3 -m pip uninstall shakti
To find out all the class, functions and definitions:
import shakti
print(dir(shakti)) # to see all the importable names (this will not load all the modules)
help(shakti) # to see all the help docs (this will load all the modules.)
help(shakti.Statx) # to see specific function/class docs.
from shakti import Timeit, run, sleep
async def main():
print('hi', end='')
for i in range(4):
if i:
print('.', end='')
await sleep(1)
if __name__ == '__main__':
with Timeit():
from shakti import O_CREAT, O_RDWR, O_APPEND, run, open, read, write, close
async def main():
fd = await open('/tmp/shakti-test.txt', O_CREAT | O_RDWR | O_APPEND)
print('fd:', fd)
wrote = await write(fd, b'hi...bye!')
print('wrote:', wrote)
content = await read(fd, 1024)
print('read:', content)
await close(fd)
if __name__ == '__main__':
from shakti import File, run
async def main():
# create, read & write.
async with File('/tmp/test.txt', '!x+') as file:
wrote = await file.write('hi... bye!')
print('wrote:', wrote)
content = await, 0) # seek is set to `0`
print('read:', content)
# Other
print('fd:', file.fileno)
print('path:', file.path)
print('active:', bool(file))
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Refer to `help(File)` to see full features of `File` class.
from shakti import Statx, run, mkdir, rename, remove, exists
async def main():
mkdir_path = '/tmp/shakti-mkdir'
rename_path = '/tmp/shakti-rename'
# create directory
print('create directory:', mkdir_path)
await mkdir(mkdir_path)
# check directory stats
async with Statx(mkdir_path) as stat:
print('is directory:', stat.isdir)
print('modified time:', stat.stx_mtime)
# rename / move
print('rename directory:', mkdir_path, '-to->', rename_path)
await rename(mkdir_path, rename_path)
# check exists
print(f'{mkdir_path!r} exists:', await exists(mkdir_path))
print(f'{rename_path!r} exists:', await exists(rename_path))
# remove
await remove(rename_path, is_dir=True)
print(f'removed {rename_path!r} exists:', await exists(rename_path))
if __name__ == '__main__':
from shakti import SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, run, socket, bind, listen, accept, \
connect, recv, send, shutdown, close, sleep, setsockopt, task
async def echo_server(host, port):
print('Starting Server')
server_fd = await socket()
await setsockopt(server_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, True)
await bind(server_fd, host, port)
await listen(server_fd, 1)
while client_fd := await accept(server_fd):
await task(client_handler(client_fd))
break # only handles 1 client and exit
await close(server_fd)
print('Closed Server')
async def client_handler(client_fd):
print('server recv:', await recv(client_fd, 1024))
print('server sent:', await send(client_fd, b'hi from server'))
await shutdown(client_fd)
await close(client_fd)
async def echo_client(host, port):
await sleep(.001) # wait for `echo_server` to start up.
client_fd = await socket()
await connect(client_fd, host, port)
print('client sent:', await send(client_fd, b'hi from client'))
print('client recv:', await recv(client_fd, 1024))
await close(client_fd)
if __name__ == '__main__':
host = ''
port = 12345
run(echo_server(host, port), echo_client(host, port))
from shakti import run, socket, connect, recv, send, close
async def client(host, port, path, header):
print('client:', f'{host}:{port}{path}')
received = bytearray()
client_fd = await socket()
await connect(client_fd, host, port)
print('client sent:', await send(client_fd, header))
while data := await recv(client_fd, 1024):
print('client recv:', len(received), received)
await close(client_fd)
if __name__ == '__main__':
host = ''
port = 80
path = '/'
header = f'GET {path} HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: {host}\r\nUser-Agent: Testing\r\n\r\n'.encode()
# header = f'GET {path} HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: {host}\r\nUser-Agent: Testing\r\nConnection:close\r\n\r\n'.encode()
run(client(host, port, path, header))