Great closure/adaptor rework
introduced in 0.8.0 are removed because they don't
fit into the library and lead to a lot of complicated logic to support them - BREAKING! ureact::closure is renamed and moved in ureact::detail namespace
library is not ready for such extension point yet - BREAKING! free functions that create new reactives (signals/events/observes)
from existing ones also called "algorithms" are replaced with inline constexpr
instances of special functor-like classes inherited from Adaptor or AdaptorClosure.
This is the same approach as used in std::ranges and range-v3.
There are some differences in usage compared with free functions:- Argument-dependent lookup
is not working with adaptors, so namespace is required, while before it was optional
ureact::context ctx; ureact::var_signal<int> src = make_var( ctx, 1 ); // before 0.9.0 ureact::signal<int> minus_src = lift( src, std::negate<>{} ); // after 0.9.0 ureact::signal<int> minus_src = ureact::lift( src, std::negate<>{} );
- single argument adaptors like ureact::monitor and ureact::count no longer
require functional call scopes
ureact::context ctx; ureact::var_signal src = make_var( ctx, 1 ); // before 0.9.0 ureact::signal changes = src | ureact::monitor() | ureact::count(); // after 0.9.0 ureact::signal changes = src | ureact::monitor | ureact::count;
- unlike free functions, adaptors can't have optional template arguments, so
new adaptors with underscopes are introduced for such cases, because <>
would be required for default case.
ureact::context ctx; ureact::event_source<int> src = make_source<int>( ctx ); // before 0.9.0 ureact::signal<size_t> changes = src | ureact::count(); ureact::signal<float> changes_f = src | ureact::count<float>(); // after 0.9.0 ureact::signal<size_t> changes = src | ureact::count; ureact::signal<float> changes_f = src | ureact::count_<float>;
- Argument-dependent lookup
- BREAKING! yet another great headers rework:
is separated into
is separated into
- all adaptors are moved into
As a result library headers become easier to navigate.
- New adaptor
is introduced.
Or reintroduced, because it was added before and then removed in 0.6.0.
It is merely aureact::take(1)
overload with more precise name. ureact::signal_pack
is reworked to hold tuple of signals
instead of tuple of signal references.
It reduces space for errors and reduces artificial complexity
when working with signal_pack with a tiny cost of copying shared
pointers on reactive value construction.