Description: Turn normal bbcode button into graphical silk buttons. The Extension also provide to group custom bbcodes into selectbox for a better choise. Last but not least an helpline input show the bbcode help message on hover. It's a cosmetic ext with zero impact on databse.
Inspired from the original Idea build by Stoker Mod.
Author: Sir Xiradorn
Original Author:
- Stoker (MOD)
- famfamfam - silk icon
- phpBB 3.1.x or phpBB 3.2.x
Repository: X-BBcode Silk Buttons -
Release Download: X-BBcode Silk Buttons -
- bbcode buttons turned into graphical button with icons
- custom bbcode into select box
- helpline message on hovering
- mChat compatible
- AjaxChat compatible
- Support image for custom bbcode s (strike), hr, sub and sup
- Download the latest release from (
- Unzip the downloaded release, and change the name of the folder to
. - In the
directory of your phpBB board, create a new directory namedxiradorn
(if it does not already exist). - Copy the
folder to/ext/xiradorn/
(if done correctly, you'll have the main extension class at (your forum root)/ext/xiradorn/xbbcodesilkbtn/composer.json). - Navigate in the ACP to
Customise -> Manage extensions
. - Look for
X-BBcode Silk Buttons
under the Disabled Extensions list, and click itsEnable
- disable the extension
- delete extension data
- delete extension files from server
- download latest extension files from GitHub(if you haven't already)
- upload new files to the server
- enable extension
- in some cases, the board cache needs to be cleared
Style Support:
Currently it perfectly work on prosilver. Other style will be probably added in future.
Works with normal bbcode permission
Thank you so much for all your suggestions.