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Improved Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector, RefineDet and Network Optimization in Pytorch 07/2018


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Improved Single Shot MultiBox Object Detector, RefineDet and Network Pruning, in PyTorch

A PyTorch implementation of:

Table of Contents



  • Clone this repository.
    • Note: We currently only support Python 3+ and PyTorch 0.3.
    • Note: Can directly use image in Tencent Docker youtu/akuxcwchen_pytorch:3.0 for environment setup.
  • Then download the dataset by following the instructions below.
  • We now support Visdom for real-time loss visualization during training!
    • To use Visdom in the browser:
    # First install Python server and client
    pip install visdom
    # Start the server (probably in a screen or tmux)
    python -m visdom.server
    • Then (during training) navigate to http://localhost:8097/ (see the Train section below for training details).
  • Note: For training and evaluation, COCO is not supported yet.


To make things easy, we provide bash scripts to handle the dataset downloads and setup for you. We also provide simple dataset loaders that inherit, making them fully compatible with the torchvision.datasets API.

Please refer to file (path: ssd.pytorch.tencent/data) and remember to update dataset root if necessary. Please also note that dataset root for VALIDATION should be written within, while dataset root for TRAINING can be updated through args during execution of a program.

VOC Dataset

PASCAL VOC: Visual Object Classes

Download VOC2007 trainval & test
# specify a directory for dataset to be downloaded into, else default is ~/data/
sh data/scripts/ # <directory>
# this dataset has existed in /cephfs/share/data/VOCdevkit in Tencent server
Download VOC2012 trainval
# specify a directory for dataset to be downloaded into, else default is ~/data/
sh data/scripts/ # <directory>
# this dataset has existed in /cephfs/share/data/VOCdevkit in Tencent server

XL Dataset

This dataset is VOC-like dataset produced by X-Lab

# this dataset has existed in /cephfs/share/data/VOC_xlab_products in Tencent server

WEISHI Dataset

This dataset has an one-to-one matching format inside a jpg-xml file.

# this dataset has existed in /cephfs/share/data/weishi_xh in Tencent server

COCO (Not supported now but can refer to pycocotools API)

Microsoft COCO: Common Objects in Context

Download COCO 2014
# specify a directory for dataset to be downloaded into, else default is ~/data/
sh data/scripts/
# this dataset has existed in /cephfs/share/data/coco_xy in Tencent server

Train and Test

Model Set-up

  • All required backbone weights have existed in ssd.pytorch.tencent/weights dir. They are modified versions of original model (Resnet-50, VGG, MobileNet v1, MobileNet v2) fitting our own model design.
# navigate them by:
mkdir weights
cd weights
  • To make backbone preloading more convenient, we turn all backbone models into class object inheriting nn.Module in PyTorch.
    • Resnet: ssd.pytorch.tencent/models/
    • VGG for SSD + RefineDet: ssd.pytorch.tencent/models/
    • MobileNet v1: ssd.pytorch.tencent/models/
    • MobileNet v2: ssd.pytorch.tencent/models/

Based on this design, all backbone layers returned by functions in have already stored pretrained weights.

Training SSD (Resnet/VGG/MobileNetv1/MobileNetv2)

  • To train SSD using the train script simply specify the parameters listed in as a flag or manually change them.
#Use VOC dataset by default
#Train + Test SSD model with vgg backbone
python3 --evaluate True # testing while training
python3 # only training

#Train + Test SSD model with resnet backbone
python3 --use_res --evaluate True # testing while training
python3 --use_res # only training

#Train + Test SSD model with mobilev1 backbone
python3 --use_m1 --evaluate True # testing while training
python3 --use_m1 # only training

#Train + Test SSD model with mobilev2 backbone
python3 --use_m2 --evaluate True # testing while training
python3 --use_m2 # only training

#Use WEISHI dataset
--dataset WEISHI --dataset_root _path_for_WEISHI_ROOT --jpg_xml_path _path_to_your_jpg_xml_txt

#Use XL dataset
--dataset XL --dataset_root _path_for_XL_ROOT

Training RefineDet (VGG)

  • To train RefineDet using the train script simply specify the parameters listed in as flag or manually change them.
#Use VOC dataset by default
#Train + Test refineDet model
python3 --evaluate True #testing while training
python3 #only training

#Use WEISHI dataset
--dataset WEISHI --dataset_root _path_for_WEISHI_ROOT --jpg_xml_path _path_of_your_jpg_xml

#Use XL dataset
--dataset XL --dataset_root _path_for_XL_ROOT
  • Note:
    • For training, an NVIDIA GPU is strongly recommended for speed.
    • For instructions on Visdom usage/installation, see the Installation section.
    • You can pick-up training from a checkpoint by specifying the path as one of the training parameters (again, see --resume for options)


To evaluate a trained network or checkpoint on VOC or VOC-like dataset only.

Evaluate SSD (Resnet/VGG/MobileNetv1/MobileNetv2)

Use to evaluate.

#Model evaluation on VOC for vggSSD separately
python3 --trained_model weights/_your_trained_SSD_model_.pth

#Model evaluation on VOC for resnetSSD separately
python3 --use_res --trained_model weights/_your_trained_SSD_model_.pth

#Model evaluation on VOC for mobileSSD v1 separately
python3 --use_m1 --trained_model weights/_your_trained_SSD_model_.pth

#Model evaluation on VOC for mobileSSD v2 separately
python3 --use_m2 --trained_model weights/_your_trained_SSD_model_.pth

#Take care of different versions of .pth file, can be solved by changing state_dict

Evaluate RefineDet (VGG)

Use to evaluate.

#Model evaluation on VOC for refineDet separately
python3 --trained_model weights/_your_trained_refineDet_model_.pth

#Take care of different versions of .pth file, can be solved by changing state_dict

For other datasets, please refer to Test part in train_test files, and extract the test_net() function correspondingly.

Prune and Finetune


Following files are for maginitude-based filter pruning purpose:

#Use absolute weights-based criterion for filter pruning on refineDet(vgg)
python3 --trained_model weights/_your_trained_model_.pth

#Use absolute weights-based criterion for filter pruning on vggSSD
python3 --trained_model weights/_your_trained_model_.pth

#Use absolute weights-based criterion for filter pruning on resnetSSD (resnet50)
python3 --trained_model weights/_your_trained_model_.pth
#Due to the limitation of PyTorch, if you really need to prune left path conv layer,
#after call this file, please use prune_rbconv_by_number() MANUALLY to prune all following right bottom layers affected by your pruning

The way of loading trained model (first time) and finetuned model (> 2 times) are different. Please change the following codes within prune_weights_**.py files correspondingly.

# ------------------------------------------- 1st prune: load model from state_dict
model = build_ssd('train', cfg, cfg['min_dim'], cfg['num_classes'], base='resnet').cuda()
state_dict = torch.load(args.trained_model)
from collections import OrderedDict
new_state_dict = OrderedDict()
for k, v in state_dict.items():
    head = k[:7] # head = k[:4]
    if head == 'module.': # head == 'vgg.', module. is due to DataParellel
        name = k[7:]  # name = 'base.' + k[4:]
        name = k
    new_state_dict[name] = v

# ------------------------------------------- >= 2nd prune: load model from previous pruning
model = torch.load(args.trained_model).cuda()


Following files are for fintuning purpose after pruning/previous finetuing:

#Finetune prunned model vggSSD (Train/Test on VOC)
python3 --pruned_model prunes/_your_prunned_model_ --lr x --epoch y

#Finetune prunned model resnetSSD (Train/Test on VOC)
python3 --use_res --pruned_model prunes/_your_prunned_model_ --lr x --epoch y
#Finetune prunned model refineDet(vgg) (Train/Test on VOC)
python3 --pruned_model prunes/_your_prunned_model --lr x --epoch y


VOC2007 Test

Original Converted weiliu89 weights From scratch w/o data aug From scratch w/ data aug
77.2 % 77.26 % 58.12% 77.43 %

GTX 1060: ~45.45 FPS


Use a pre-trained SSD network for detection

Download a pre-trained network

SSD results on multiple datasets

Try the demo notebook

  • Make sure you have jupyter notebook installed.
  • Two alternatives for installing jupyter notebook:
    1. If you installed PyTorch with conda (recommended), then you should already have it. (Just navigate to the ssd.pytorch cloned repo and run): jupyter notebook

    2. If using pip:

# make sure pip is upgraded
pip3 install --upgrade pip
# install jupyter notebook
pip install jupyter
# Run this inside ssd.pytorch
jupyter notebook

Try the webcam demo

  • Works on CPU (may have to tweak cv2.waitkey for optimal fps) or on an NVIDIA GPU
  • This demo currently requires opencv2+ w/ python bindings and an onboard webcam
    • You can change the default webcam in demo/
  • Install the imutils package to leverage multi-threading on CPU:
    • pip install imutils
  • Running python -m opens the webcam and begins detecting!


The following to-do list, which hope to complete in the near future

  • Still to come:
    • Fix mistake for implemenation of top_k/max_per_image
    • Fix learning rate to 0.98 decay every epoch and 1/10 when mAP is stable
    • Support for the MS COCO dataset
    • Support for SSD512 and RefineDet512 training and testing


  • xuhuahuang as intern in Tencent YouTu Lab 07/2018

Thanks Max deGroot and Ellis Brown because this work is built on their original implementation for SSD in pytorch.



Improved Implementation of Single Shot MultiBox Detector, RefineDet and Network Optimization in Pytorch 07/2018








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