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React Native Colorful Card

Battle Tested ✅

React Native Colorful Card

npm version npm Platform - Android and iOS License: MIT styled with prettier

React Native Social Login Screen React Native Social Login Screen


Add the dependency:

npm i react-native-colorful-card

Peer Dependencies

IMPORTANT! You need install them
"react-native-bounceable": ">= 0.2.4"



import ColorfulCard from "react-native-colorful-card";

Fundamental Usage

  valuePostfix="h 42 m"
  footerTitle="Deep Sleep"
  footerValue="3h 13m"
  style={{ backgroundColor: "#7954ff" }}
  onPress={() => {}}

Example Project 😍

You can checkout the example project 🥰

Simply run

  • npm i
  • react-native run-ios/android

should work of the example project.

Configuration - Props


Property Type Default Description
title string undefined change the title string
value string undefined change the value string
valuePostfix string undefined change the value postfix string
footerTitle string undefined change the footerTitle string
footerValue string undefined change the footerValue string
iconImageSource image undefined set your own image source for the icon
onPress function undefined set your own logic for the button functionality when it is pressed

Customization (Optionals)

Property Type Default Description
style ViewStyle default set or override the style object for the main container
iconImageStyle ImageStyle default set or override the image style object for the icon container
titleTextStyle TextStyle default set or override the text style object for the title text
footerTextStyle TextStyle default set or override the text style object for the footer text
valueTextStyle TextStyle default set or override the text style object for the value text
valuePostfixTextStyle TextStyle default set or override the text style object for the value postfix text
ImageComponent Image default set your own component instead of default react-native Image component
iconContainerStyle ViewStyle default set or override the style object for the icon container style

Future Plans

  • Write an article about the lib on Medium


FreakyCoder, [email protected]


Heavily inspired by WebFrontEndTips


React Native Colorful Card is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.