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Access Checkout React Native SDK

Build Status:


  1. Install the following tools
  • node
  • npm
  • detox-cli (global install)
  • pod (Cocoapods)
  • watchman (used as part of building Android app)
  1. Create a custom device in Simulator for iPhone 8 and iOS 14 and name it iphone8-14

React & React Native Compatibility

Our SDK is compatible with:

  • React Native 0.70.0 and above
  • React 18.1.0 and above

Getting Started

Compiling the Access Checkout React Native SDK

  1. Install the npm dependencies in the access-checkout-react-native-sdk project
cd access-checkout-react-native-sdk
npm install
  1. Install the CocoaPods dependencies in the access-checkout-react-native-sdk project's iOS bridge
cd access-checkout-react-native-sdk/ios
pod install
  1. Re-run the script used to export the SDK's types
cd access-checkout-react-native-sdk
npm run prepare

Compiling the demo application

  1. Install the npm dependencies in the demo-app folder
cd demo-app/
npm install
  1. Install the CocoaPods dependencies in the demo-app's ios folder
cd demo-app/ios
pod install
  1. Compile the application
cd demo-app/
npm run typescript

Running the Demo Application

First, start the metro server

cd demo-app/
npm run start

Running the application for iOS

cd demo-app/
npm run ios

Running the application for Android

cd demo-app/
npm run android

Developing in this repo


  • Open up demo-app/android/build.gradle in android studio - this will show you the android module as well as the demo-app module


  • To work on the react native module, open ios/AccessCheckoutReactNative.xcworkspace in XCode.
  • To run the demo application, open demo-app/ios/AccessCheckoutReactNativeDemo.xcworkspace in XCode.
    • Use this application to debug the code, you can find the module code in Pods/Development Pods/AccessCheckoutSDK-React


  • To work on the ReactNative part of the demo application, open the root directory in Intellij and you can work in demo-app/src

Running the SDK tests

cd access-checkout-react-native-sdk
npm run test