将该包优化为支持 esm/cjs 引用,并增加DNS解析时间。若在axios拦截器中传入 config.timings = true 则将返回 dns 耗时并以 config.timings = { dns: 123} 格式返回。
Axios uses node.js dns.lookup to resolve host names. dns.lookup is synchronous and executes on limited libuv thread pool. Every axios request will resolve the dns name in kubernetes, openshift, and cloud environments that intentionally set TTL low or to 0 for quick dynamic updates. The dns resolvers can be overwhelmed with the load. There is/was a bug in DNS resolutions that manifests as very long dns.lookups in node.js.
From the kubernetes documentation
Even if apps and libraries did proper re-resolution, the load of every client re-resolving DNS over and over would be difficult to manage.
This library uses dns.resolve and can optionally cache resolutions and round-robin among addresses. The cache size is configurable. If caching is enabled, a background thread will periodically refresh resolutions with dns.resolve rather than every request. There is an idle TTL that evicts background refresh if an address is no longer being used. This lib proxies through the OS resolution mechanism which may provide further caching.
- Async requests - dns resolve vs lookup
- Fast - local in-app memory cache lookup
- Fresh - periodically (frequently) updated
- Constant DNS load/latency vs random load/variable latency
- Providing statistics and introspection
suport esm/cjs export
Node 14+
yarn add git+https://github.com/Wonder233/axios-cached-dns-resolve.git
import { registerInterceptor } from 'axios-cached-dns-resolve'
const axiosClient = axios.create(config)
Use axiosClient as normal
const config = {
disabled: process.env.AXIOS_DNS_DISABLE === 'true',
dnsTtlMs: process.env.AXIOS_DNS_CACHE_TTL_MS || 5000, // when to refresh actively used dns entries (5 sec)
cacheGraceExpireMultiplier: process.env.AXIOS_DNS_CACHE_EXPIRE_MULTIPLIER || 2, // maximum grace to use entry beyond TTL
dnsIdleTtlMs: process.env.AXIOS_DNS_CACHE_IDLE_TTL_MS || 1000 * 60 * 60, // when to remove entry entirely if not being used (1 hour)
backgroundScanMs: process.env.AXIOS_DNS_BACKGROUND_SCAN_MS || 2400, // how frequently to scan for expired TTL and refresh (2.4 sec)
dnsCacheSize: process.env.AXIOS_DNS_CACHE_SIZE || 100, // maximum number of entries to keep in cache
// pino logging options
logging: {
name: 'axios-cache-dns-resolve',
// enabled: true,
level: process.env.AXIOS_DNS_LOG_LEVEL || 'info', // default 'info' others trace, debug, info, warn, error, and fatal
// timestamp: true,
prettyPrint: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'DEBUG' || false,
useLevelLabels: true,
Statistics are available via
"dnsEntries": 4,
"refreshed": 375679,
"hits": 128689,
"misses": 393,
"idleExpired": 279,
"errors": 0,
"lastError": 0,
"lastErrorTs": 0
"host": "foo-service.domain.com",
"ips": [
"nextIdx": 1,
"lastUsedTs": 1604151366910,
"updatedTs": 1604152691039
import { getStats, getDnsCacheEntries } from 'axios-cached-dns-resolve'
router.get('/axios-dns-cache-statistics', getAxiosDnsCacheStatistics)
function getAxiosDnsCacheStatistics(req, resp) {
router.get('/axios-dns-cache-entries', getAxiosDnsCacheEntries)
function getAxiosDnsCacheEntries(req, resp) {