Learn more about the developer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kara-gardner-48a077103/
Mobi is an eCommerce/marketplace web app that was built using React, Javascript, Node.js, Express, Axios, Bcrypt, Sequelize, PostgreSQL, React-Bootstrap, Heroku, HTML5, and CSS3.
Watch the demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DxyAlTgk8WQ
- Users can create an account
- Users can log in/logout
- Users can view the main shop page
- Users can navigate to the item detail page
- Users can search for items
- Users can add items to the cart
- Users can edit items in the cart
- Users can see the cart total
- The seller can add items to sell
- Sellers can add photo(s)
- Sellers can add Title
- Sellers can add a description
- Sellers can set the price
- Sellers can edit item info
- Sellers can remove the item