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ksz code in its current state. Note, I do not yet have a separate interpolator/painting functions for the non-relativistic vs. relativistic ksz, I just change line 162 in profile_grid_ksz(). The sign fix has also not yet been implemented.
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Lucas-Kuhn authored and xzackli committed Feb 15, 2025
1 parent 2915d84 commit 5486cd4
Showing 1 changed file with 294 additions and 0 deletions.
294 changes: 294 additions & 0 deletions src/profiles_ksz.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@

import PhysicalConstants.CODATA2018 as constants
using Unitful
const M_sun = 1.98847e30u"kg"
const P_e_factor = constants.σ_e / (constants.m_e * constants.c_0^2)
const T_cmb = 2.725 * u"K"
using Cosmology
using QuadGK
using DelimitedFiles
using Interpolations
using NPZ

table = npzread("/fs/lustre/cita/zack/projects/SZpack.v1.1.1/szpack_interp_4d.npz")
nu_vector = LinRange(log(5.680062373019096*1e9),log(852.0093559528645*1e9),500)
temp_vector = LinRange(1.0e-3,75.0,100)
vel_vector = LinRange(1.0e-9, 1.0e-1,100)
mu_vector = LinRange(-1,1,50)
szpack_interp_ksz = scale(Interpolations.interpolate(table, BSpline(Cubic(Line(OnGrid())))), (temp_vector), (vel_vector), (mu_vector), (nu_vector))

table_T0 = npzread("/fs/lustre/cita/zack/projects/SZpack.v1.1.1/szpack_interp_4d_0.npz")
szpack_interp_T0 = scale(Interpolations.interpolate(table_T0[1,:,:,:], BSpline(Cubic(Line(OnGrid())))), (vel_vector), (mu_vector), (nu_vector))

struct Battaglia16KinematicSZProfile{T,C} <: AbstractGNFW{T}
f_b::T # Omega_b / Omega_c = 0.0486 / 0.2589
X::T # X = 2.6408 corresponding to frequency 150 GHz

function Battaglia16KinematicSZProfile(; Omega_c::T=0.2589, Omega_b::T=0.0486, h::T=0.6774, x::T=2.6408) where {T <: Real}
f_b = Omega_b / OmegaM
cosmo = get_cosmology(T, h=h, OmegaM=OmegaM)
X = x
return Battaglia16KinematicSZProfile(f_b, cosmo, X)

struct RKSZpackProfile{T,C,ANG,P} <: AbstractGNFW{T}
f_b::T # Omega_b / Omega_c = 0.0486 / 0.2589

function RKSZpackProfile(model_tsz; Omega_c::T=0.2589, Omega_b::T=0.0486, h::T=0.6774, angle=true, x::T=2.6408) where {T <: Real}
f_b = Omega_b / OmegaM
cosmo = get_cosmology(T, h=h, Neff=3.046, OmegaM=OmegaM)
X = x
return RKSZpackProfile{T, typeof(cosmo), angle, typeof(model_tsz)}(f_b, cosmo, X, model_tsz)

#function dimensionless_P_profile_los_ksz(𝕡::Battaglia16KinematicSZProfile{T}, M_200, z, r) where T
function dimensionless_P_profile_los_ksz(𝕡::RKSZpackProfile{T}, M_200, z, r) where T
par = get_params(𝕡.p_tsz, M_200, z)
R_200 = R_Δ(𝕡, M_200, z, 200)
x = r / angular_size(𝕡, R_200, z)
return par.P₀ * _tsz_profile_los_quadrature(x, par.xc, par.α, par.β, par.γ)

"""Line-of-sight integrated electron pressure"""
P_e_los_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r) = 0.5176 * P_th_los_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r)

"""Line-of-sight integrated thermal pressure"""
P_th_los_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r) = constants.G * M_200 * 200 * ρ_crit(𝕡, z) *
𝕡.f_b / 2 * dimensionless_P_profile_los_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r)

function compton_y_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r)
return P_e_los_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r) * P_e_factor

#function SZpack_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r; vel=3e3, τ=0.01, mu = 1.0, showT=true)
function SZpack_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r, vel; τ=0.01, mu = 1.0, showT=true)
Outputs the integrated compton-y signal calculated using SZpack along the line of sight.
X = 𝕡.X
T_e = T_vir_calc(𝕡, M_200, z)
θ_e = (constants.k_B*T_e)/(constants.m_e*constants.c_0^2)

# use velocity magnitude to determine direction along line-of-sight
if vel < 0
mu *= -1

t = ustrip(uconvert(u"keV",T_e * constants.k_B))
nu = log(ustrip(X_to_nu(X)))
vel = abs(ustrip(vel/uconvert(u"km/s",constants.c_0))) # need to take absolute value of v to make sure v is within bounds of interpolator

# Term 1
dI_1 = uconvert(u"kg*s^-2",(szpack_interp_ksz(t, vel, mu, nu)*u"MJy/sr" - szpack_interp_T0(vel, mu, nu)*u"MJy/sr")/τ)
y = XGPaint.compton_y_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r) #0
I_1 = uconvert(u"kg*s^-2",y * (dI_1/(θ_e)))

# Term 2
dI_2 = uconvert(u"kg*s^-2",(szpack_interp_T0(vel, mu, nu)*u"MJy/sr")/τ)
tau = XGPaint.tau(𝕡, r, M_200, z) #0.01 #XGPaint.tau_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r)
I_2 = uconvert(u"kg*s^-2",dI_2 * tau)

I = I_1 + I_2
T = I/uconvert(u"kg*s^-2",abs((2 * constants.h^2 * X_to_nu(X)^4 *^X)/(constants.k_B * constants.c_0^2 * T_cmb * (ℯ^X - 1)^2)))

if showT==true
return abs(T)
return I

function non_rel_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r, vel; mu = 1.0)
Outputs the integrated compton-y signal calculated using SZpack along the line of sight.

# use velocity magnitude to determine direction along line-of-sight
if vel < 0
mu *= -1

vel = abs(ustrip(vel/uconvert(u"km/s",constants.c_0)))
tau = XGPaint.tau(𝕡, r, M_200, z) #0.01 #XGPaint.tau_ksz(𝕡, M_200, z, r)

# NON REL kSZ = tau * v/c (i.e. vel)
T = tau*vel*mu

return abs(T)

function profile_grid_ksz(𝕡::AbstractGNFW{T}; N_z=256, N_logM=256, N_logθ=512, z_min=1e-3, z_max=5.0,
logM_min=11, logM_max=15.7, logθ_min=-16.5, logθ_max=2.5, N_v=256, v_min=-1353.6917, v_max=1276.7216) where T #logM_max=15.7

logθs = LinRange(logθ_min, logθ_max, N_logθ)
redshifts = LinRange(z_min, z_max, N_z)
logMs = LinRange(logM_min, logM_max, N_logM)
velocities = LinRange(v_min, v_max, N_v)

return profile_grid_ksz(𝕡, logθs, redshifts, logMs, velocities)

function profile_grid_ksz(𝕡::AbstractGNFW{T}, logθs, redshifts, logMs, velocities) where T

N_logθ, N_z, N_logM, N_vels = length(logθs), length(redshifts), length(logMs), length(velocities)
A = zeros(T, (N_logθ, N_z, N_logM, N_vels))

Threads.@threads for im in 1:N_logM
println("Completed Halo Mass $im")
logM = logMs[im]
M = 10^(logM) * M_sun
for (iz, z) in enumerate(redshifts)
forin 1:N_logθ
θ = exp(logθs[iθ])
for (iv, vel) in enumerate(velocities)
szp = SZpack_ksz(𝕡, M, z, θ, vel) # FULL RELATIVISTIC
#szp = non_rel_ksz(𝕡, M, z, θ, vel) # NON-RELATIVISTIC
#A[iθ, iz, im, iv] = max(zero(T), szp)
A[iθ, iz, im, iv] = szp

return logθs, redshifts, logMs, velocities, A

function profile_paint_ksz!(m::Enmap{T, 2, Matrix{T}, CarClenshawCurtis{T}}, p,
α₀, δ₀, psa::CarClenshawCurtisProfileWorkspace,
sitp, z, Ms, vel, θmax) where T
# get indices of the region to work on
i1, j1 = sky2pix(m, α₀ - θmax, δ₀ - θmax)
i2, j2 = sky2pix(m, α₀ + θmax, δ₀ + θmax)
i_start = floor(Int, max(min(i1, i2), 1))
i_stop = ceil(Int, min(max(i1, i2), size(m, 1)))
j_start = floor(Int, max(min(j1, j2), 1))
j_stop = ceil(Int, min(max(j1, j2), size(m, 2)))

x₀ = cos(δ₀) * cos(α₀)
y₀ = cos(δ₀) * sin(α₀)
z₀ = sin(δ₀)

@inbounds for j in j_start:j_stop
for i in i_start:i_stop
x₁ = psa.cos_δ[i,j] * psa.cos_α[i,j]
y₁ = psa.cos_δ[i,j] * psa.sin_α[i,j]
z₁ = psa.sin_δ[i,j]
= (x₁ - x₀)^2 + (y₁ - y₀)^2 + (z₁ - z₀)^2
θ = acos(1 -/ 2)
m[i,j] += ifelse< θmax,
#sign * exp(sitp(log(θ), z, log10(Ms))),
exp(sitp(log(θ), z, log10(Ms), vel)),

"""Helper function to build a tSZ interpolator"""
function build_interpolator_ksz(model::AbstractGNFW; cache_file::String="",
N_logθ=512, pad=256, overwrite=true, verbose=true)

if overwrite || (isfile(cache_file) == false)
verbose && print("Building new interpolator from model.\n")
rft = RadialFourierTransform(n=N_logθ, pad=pad)
logθ_min, logθ_max = log(minimum(rft.r)), log(maximum(rft.r))
prof_logθs, prof_redshift, prof_logMs, prof_velocity, prof_y = profile_grid_ksz(model;
N_logθ=N_logθ, logθ_min=logθ_min, logθ_max=logθ_max)
if length(cache_file) > 0
verbose && print("Saving new interpolator to $(cache_file).\n")
save(cache_file, Dict("prof_logθs"=>prof_logθs,
"prof_redshift"=>prof_redshift, "prof_logMs"=>prof_logMs, "prof_velocity"=>prof_velocity, "prof_y"=>prof_y))
print("Found cached Battaglia profile model. Loading from disk.\n")
model_grid = load(cache_file)
prof_logθs, prof_redshift, prof_logMs, prof_velocity, prof_y = model_grid["prof_logθs"],
model_grid["prof_redshift"], model_grid["prof_logMs"], model_grid["prof_velocity"], model_grid["prof_y"]

itp = Interpolations.interpolate(log.(prof_y), BSpline(Cubic(Line(OnGrid()))))
sitp = scale(itp, prof_logθs, prof_redshift, prof_logMs, prof_velocity)
return sitp

function profile_paint_ksz!(m::HealpixMap{T, RingOrder}, p,
α₀, δ₀, w::HealpixProfileWorkspace, z, Mh, vel, θmax) where T
ϕ₀ = α₀
θ₀ = T(π)/2 - δ₀
x₀, y₀, z₀ = ang2vec(θ₀, ϕ₀)
XGPaint.queryDiscRing!(w.disc_buffer, w.ringinfo, m.resolution, θ₀, ϕ₀, θmax)
sitp = w.profile_real_interp

X_0 = calc_null(p, Ms*M_sun, z)
X = p.X

for ir in w.disc_buffer
x₁, y₁, z₁ = w.posmap.pixels[ir]
= (x₁ - x₀)^2 + (y₁ - y₀)^2 + (z₁ - z₀)^2
θ = acos(1 -/ 2)
θ = max(w.θmin, θ) # clamp to minimum θ
m.pixels[ir] += ifelse< θmax,
exp(sitp(log(θ), z, log10(Mh), vel)),

# for rectangular pixelizations

# multi-halo painting utilities
function paint_ksz!(m, p::XGPaint.AbstractProfile, psa, sitp,
masses::AV, redshifts::AV, αs::AV, δs::AV, velocities::AV, irange::AbstractUnitRange) where AV
for i in irange
α₀ = αs[i]
δ₀ = δs[i]
mh = masses[i]
z = redshifts[i]
v = velocities[i]
θmax_ = θmax(p, mh * XGPaint.M_sun, z)
profile_paint_ksz!(m, p, α₀, δ₀, psa, sitp, z, mh, v, θmax_)

function paint_ksz!(m, p::XGPaint.AbstractProfile, psa, sitp, masses::AV,
redshifts::AV, αs::AV, δs::AV, velocities::AV) where AV
fill!(m, 0)

N_sources = length(masses)
chunksize = ceil(Int, N_sources / (2Threads.nthreads()))
chunks = chunk(N_sources, chunksize);

Threads.@threads for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()
chunk_i = 2i
i1, i2 = chunks[chunk_i]
paint_ksz!(m, p, psa, sitp, masses, redshifts, αs, δs,velocities, i1:i2)

Threads.@threads for i in 1:Threads.nthreads()
chunk_i = 2i - 1
i1, i2 = chunks[chunk_i]
paint_ksz!(m, p, psa, sitp, masses, redshifts, αs, δs, velocities, i1:i2)

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