by Waicong Charles Tam
Hi! I'm Waicong Tam (Charles), a current Master of Information Technology student in Monash University. This is a repository that works as my personal portfolio. I will update the assignment that I consider worth showcasing here. Usually I will upload the assignment after it had been graded and I had organised it well.
This is a unit I took when I was in my first semester here. I achieved semester top in this unit, and I have so much enthusiasm in this unit! Hopefully I had made progress and improvement from the first assignment to the other! This is a unit about basic programming skills and principles in Java. The first assignment is a chess game, the other one is a Grand Prix simulator. Personally I love the second one so much since I am a huge Formula One fan!
This unit is about processing data using Apache Spark and the basics of different machine learning algorithms. It is one of my favourite units.
The first assignment is about wrangling and explanatory analysis on data, it is composed of two parts.
Part A is about analysis of the words in two books. I discovered the numeric distribution and compare the top words of the two books.
Part B is about the analysis of the crime records in the state of South Australia. Data wrangling and visualisation techniques are implememnted in this part. I analysed crimes in different suburbs, in different years and in other aspects.
This assignment is about applying classification machine learning algorithms on weather data to make prediction. At the last part of the assignment, I tried out different methods to improve the accuracy of the model including parameter tuning, feature scaling, using a larger training set and using more feature. I made a amateur analysis on those methods. Overall this is a very fun and interesting project.