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python-msgraph is a Python wrapper of the Microsoft Graph API.


To install the python-msgraph library use the following command:

python -m pip install python-msgraph

or, to build locally and install:



The library currently supports connecting to the API using an SSL certificate:

from msgraph import api

authority_host_uri = ''
resource_uri = ''
client_certificate = ''
api_instance = api.GraphAPI.from_certificate(authority_host_uri, tenant, resource_uri, client_id, client_certificate, client_thumbprint)

NOTE: When a client_certificate is changed, the client_thumbprint and client_id values must also be changed

Using the API to fetch Users

You can use the msgraph.user module to interact with User instances. User instanced can be fetched using the msgraph.user.User class:

from msgraph import user
all_users = user.User.get(api_instance)

To fetch a specific user, you can also include the user's User Principal Name, which is the user's email address:

johndoe_instance = user.User.get(api_instance, user='[email protected]')

Calendars & Events

Fetch a User's Calendars

Now let's fetch the Calendars of a particular user. To interact with a Calendar, Event, calendar Group, or calendar Category instance, we will use the msgraph.calendar module:

from msgraph import calendar

johndoe_calendars = calendar.Calendar.get(api_instance, user=johndoe_instance)

Fetch a User's Events from a given Calendar

Now let's fetch the Event instances from the main calendar of johndoe:

calendar_lookup = dict()
for calendar in johndoe_calendars:
    calendar_lookup[] = calendar

primary_calendar = calendar_lookup['Calendar']
johndoe_events = calendar.Event.get(johndoe_instance, calendar=primary_calendar)

Update an Event

To update an Event, we can use the Event.update method:

johndoe_event = johndoe_events[0]
johndoe_event.subject = 'Important meeting'

Now the updates made to the Event object have been saved back to the calendar of johndoe.

Delete an Event from a Calendar

Let's try deleting an Event on a Calendar using the Event.delete method:

johndoe_event = johndoe_events[0]

After calling the delete method, the Event has been removed from the calendar of johndoe.

Sharepoint Sites & Lists

Search for a site

To fetch all sites matching a key phrase, use the method:

from msgraph import sites
matching_sites =, 'software')

Fetching a specific site

Specific msgraph.sites.Site instances can be fetched using multiple methods:

  • msgraph.sites.Site.get method fetches sites by using the ID of the site

    site = sites.Site.get(api_instance, site=site_id)
  • msgraph.sites.Site.by_relative_url method to fetch by the host name and relative url of the SharePoint site

    host_name = ''
    relative_url = ''
    site = sites.Site.by_relative_url(api_instance, host_name, relative_url)
  • msgraph.sites.Site.by_group method fetches the team site of a given group

    site = sites.Site.by_group(api_instance, group=group_id)

Traversing hierarchy of sites

SharePoint sites can have sub-sites within them. To get the subsites of a Sharepoint site, use the msgraph.sites.Site.subsites method:

subsites = site.subsites(api_instance)

To traverse the hierarchy of msgraph.sites.Site instances:

def breadth_first(api, root):
    queue = [root]
    while queue:
        site = queue.pop(0)
        subsites = site.subsites(api)
        queue += subsites
    return queue

breadth_first_hierarchy = breadth_first(api_instance, site)

def depth_first(api, root):
    queue = [root]
    while queue:
        site = queue.pop()
        subsites = site.subsites(api)
        queue += subsites
    return queue

depth_first_hierarchy = breadth_first(api_instance, site)

Fetching Lists

msgraph.sites.SiteList instances can be fetched using the msgraph.sites.SiteList.get method:

site_lists = sites.SiteList.get(api_instance, site)

Or, if you have the ID of the msgraph.sites.SiteList, you can specify it as a list_instance keyword argument to fetch the specific msgraph.sites.SiteList instance:

site_list = sites.SiteList.get(api_instance, site, list_instance=list_id)

NOTE: All site method parameters can be substituted with their IDs in the examples above. So the code below would be valid:

site_list = sites.SiteList.get(api_instance, site_id, list_instance=list_id)

Fetching ListItems for SiteLists

To fetch the msgraph.sites.ListItem instances for a msgraph.sites.SiteList, use the msgraph.sites.ListItem.get method:

list_items = sites.ListItem.get(api_instance, site, site_list)

Fetching previous versions of ListItems

msgraph.sites.ListItem instances can be updated in Microsoft Graph. To fetch the previous versions, use the msgraph.sites.ListItem.versions method:

for item in list_items:
    previous_versions = item.versions(api_instance, site, site_list)

NOTE: All site and site_list method parameters can be substituted with their IDs. So the code below would be valid:

list_items = sites.ListItem.get(api_instance, site_id, list_id)
for item in list_items:
    previous_versions = item.versions(api_instance, site_id, list_id)

Creating a ListItem

To create a new msgraph.sites.ListItem use the msgraph.sites.ListItem.create method:

new_list_item_fields = dict(Title='Programmer')
new_list_item = sites.ListItem.create(api_instance, site, list, new_list_item_fields)

Updating a ListItem

To update the properties of a msgraph.sites.ListItem instance, use the msgraph.sites.ListItem.update method:

for index, item in enumerate(list_items): = '%s #%i' % (, index)
    item.update(api_instance, site, site_list)

To update the fields of a msgraph.sites.ListItem instance, use the msgraph.sites.ListItem.update_fields method:

for index, item in enumerate(list_items):
    item['Title'] = 'Assistant Executive ' + item['Title']
    item.update_fields(api_instance, site, site_list)

or alternatively:

for index, item in enumerate(list_items):
    fields = dict(Title='Assistant Executive ' + item['Title'])
    item.update_fields(api_instance, site, site_list, fields=fields)

NOTE: All site and site_list method parameters can be substituted with their IDs. So the code below would be valid:

for item in list_items:
    item['Title'] = 'Assistant Executive ' + item['Title']
    item.update_fields(api_instance, site_id, list_id)

Deleting a ListItem

To delete an existing msgraph.sites.ListItem instance, use the msgraph.sites.ListItem.delete method:

new_list_item.delete(api_instance, site, site_list)


The following modules have their own loggers:

  • msgraph.api - Used for logging error messages from the API and logging raw HTTP response content
  • msgraph.calendar - Used for logging the creation/update/deletes of msgraph.calendar.Calendar/msgraph.calendar.Event/msgraph.calendar.msgraph.calendar.Group/msgraph.calendar.Category instances
  • - Used for logging the creation/update/deletes of instances
  • - Used for logging the creation/update/deletes of msgraph.sites.Site instances, msgraph.sites.SiteList instances, and msgraph.sites.ListItem instances
  • msgraph.user - Used for logging the creation/update/deletes of msgraph.user.User instances


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