MySQL Native Driver
PHP's PEAR::Mail
Unzip and upload the project and navigate to the project's root directory in a browser.
An admin account is created during installation - changing the default password value during user creation in setup.php is recommended.
nlist will serve an install page, unless you've copied over a conf.php file from a previous install. Regardless, ensure that your web user can write to conf.php.
Enter your database and SMTP information. The table you use does not need to exist - nlist will create one.
You will be redirected to a sign-in page if all went well.
###Scheduling reminder emails We'd rather not ask for access under the webroot, so you will need to manually add php/send_reminders.php as an hourly cron task to enable automatic reminder emails. e.g., with crontab:
25 0 * * * user php /var/www/html/projects/send_reminders.php