Common to Any MCU, Easy to Add-on. Internet Offload co-Processor, HW TCP/IP chip, best fits for low-end Non-OS devices connecting to Ethernet for the Internet of Things. These will be updated continuously.
- W6100EVB
- connecting Micro usb.
- connecting Ethernet cable.
In case of used to TureSTUDIO,it it the same as HTTP Server example.
Demo Environment & Program
- Windows 7
- Hercules
- WinSCP (FTP Client Program)
- Windows 7
Demo Result
- Power On and push Reset button to start Program
- Program Run Serial display
- You can connect to the W6100 FTP Server using the FTP Client program.
- You can connect to the server after you enter the IP, port password, etc. and try to connect.
- Since W6100 FTP Server is TCP Dual Mode, it can access to IPv6..
- main.c
- Set the Network Information & FTP Server User ID, Password and port number
- wizchip_conf.h
- Set the IO Mode
- Power On and push Reset button to start Program
In the current code, FTP Server's files and directories are simply implemented. If you want to send a specific file to the client, you need to modify ftpd_listcmd (), ftpd_retrcmd (), and so on.
-Test packet capture file : FTP Server_Packet Capture