- W5100S chip development platform for net'enabled microcotroller applications
- Ethernet (W5100S Hardwired TCP/IP chip) and 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M3 based designs
- Arduino Pin-compatible platform hardware
- New Code Samples: Updated network protocol libraries and example projects
For more details, please refer to W5100S-EVB page in WIZnet Wiki.
WIZnet W5100S Hardwired TCP/IP chip
- Hardwired TCP/IP embedded Ethernet controller
- Parallel Host Interface (External BUS Interface)
- SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) Microcontroller Interface
- Hardwired TCP/IP stack supports TCP, UDP, IPv4, ICMP, ARP, IGMP, and PPPoE protocols
- Easy to implement of the other network protocols
STMicroelectronics STM32F103VCT6 MCU
- 32-bit ARM® Cortex™-M3 microcontroller running at up to 72MHz
- 256kB on-chip flash / 48kB on-chip SRAM / Various peripherals
Pin-compatible with Arduino Shields designed for the UNO Rev3
2 x Push button switch(SW), 1 x RGB LED
1-Channel 10/100Mbps Ethernet Connector (RJ-45 with transformer) – (If you want to RJ-45, Contact us)
Micro USB B connector and 5-pin(2.54mm) Cortex debug connector for SWD(Serial Wire Debug)
These are libraries source code and example projects based on Ecplipse & TrueSTUDIO IDE.
Requried Libraries are as below.
- Folder list
- ioLibrary_Driver (WIZnet W5100S-EVB ethernet library and protocols)
- CMSIS_boot
- stm_lib (STM Library)
- syscalls
- File list
- main.c
- HALInit.c
- HALInit.h
- msgq.c
- msgq.h
- serialCommand.c
- serialCommand.h
- W5100SRelFunctions.c
- W5100SRelFunctions.h
Example projects are as below.
- Loopback
- ioLibrary : Latest WIZnet chip drivers and protocol libraries for developers
For more details, please refer to W5100S-EVB page in WIZnet Wiki.
Various materials are could be found at W5100S-EVB page in WIZnet Wiki. And refer to this link W5100S Hardware data
- Documents
- Getting Started: Hello world! / Downloading a new program
- Make New W5100S-EVB Projects
- Technical Reference
- Datasheet
- Schematic
- Partlist
- Demension
- See also
First release : May. 2018