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kmonsen committed Sep 11, 2024
1 parent f41e0ac commit 990af82
Showing 1 changed file with 190 additions and 92 deletions.
282 changes: 190 additions & 92 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ spec:dom; type:interface; for:/; text:Document
spec:dom; type:dfn; for:/; text:element
spec:url; type:dfn; for:/; text:url
spec:fetch; type:dfn; for:Response; text:response
spec:fetch; type:dfn; for:Request; text:request
spec:html; type:element; text:script
spec:html; type:element; text:link
spec:fetch; type:dfn; text:name
Expand All @@ -28,13 +29,6 @@ spec:permissions; type:dfn; text:feature

<pre class="anchors">
spec:payment-request; urlPrefix:
type: dfn
text: PaymentRequest; url: dom-paymentrequest
spec:reporting; urlPrefix:
type: dfn
text: report type
text: visible to reportingobservers
spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:
type: dfn
text: sf-dictionary; url: dictionary
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,9 +198,8 @@ spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:
<dl dfn-for="session scope">
: <dfn>include site</dfn>
:: a [=boolean=] that indicates if all subdomains of
[=session scope/origin=] are included by default. This can only be true if
[=session scope/origin=] is an [=host/registrable domain=]
:: a [=boolean=] that indicates if all subdomains of are included by
: [=scope specification=]
:: a [=list=] of [=scope specification=] used by the session
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,7 +239,7 @@ spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:
1. Let |site| be the [=host/registrable domain=] of the [=url=]
1. Let |domain sessions| be [=registrable domain sessions=][|site|] as a
[=/session by id=]
1. Return |domain sessions|[[|session identifier|]]
1. Return |domain sessions|[|session identifier|]

Expand All @@ -264,16 +257,33 @@ spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:
field value</a> given |header name| and "list" from |response|’s
[=response/header list=].
1. [=list/For each=] |challenge entry| of |challenge list|:

1. Get the new |challenge| and |session id| from |challenge entry| as
described in [:Sec-Session-Challenge:].
1. If [=response/status=] is 401, resend this request as is with updated
|challenge| in [=DBSC proof=]
1. Otherwise:
1. Identify session as described in [[#algo-identify-session]] given
|response| and |session id| and store as |session object|.
1. Store |challenge| in |session object| to be used next time a
[=DBSC proof=] is to be sent from this [=device bound session=].

## <dfn export abstract-op id="refresh-session">Refreshing an existing session</dfn> ## {#algo-refresh-session}

## <dfn export abstract-op id="create-session">Create a new session</dfn> ## {#algo-create-session}

<h3 id="algorithm-refresh-session">Refreshing an existing session</h2>
<h3 id="algorithm-closing-session">Closing an existing session</h2>
## <dfn export abstract-op id="close-session">Close a session</dfn> ## {#algo-close-session}

## <dfn export abstract-op id="fetch-integration">Fetch Integration</dfn> ## {#algo-fetch-integration}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -318,7 +328,7 @@ spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:
be in the [=DBSC proof=] sent to the server during session registration in
the field called [=DBSC proof/authorization=].

Any other parameters will be ignored.
Any other parameters SHOULD be ignored.

<div class="example">
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -408,9 +418,15 @@ spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:
<p>\`<a http-header><code>Sec-Session-Response</code></a>\` is a structured
header. Its value must be a string. It's ABNF is:</p>
<pre class="abnf">SecSessionChallenge = <a>sf-string</a></pre>
This string MUST only contain the [=DBSC proof=] JWT.
This string MUST only contain the [=DBSC proof=] JWT. Any parameters SHOULD be

<h4 id="response-structured-header-serialization">Structured header serialization</h4>
<div class="example">
Sec-Session-Response: "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6ImRic2Mrand0In0.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3JlZyIsImp0aSI6ImN2IiwiaWF0IjoiMTcyNTU3OTA1NSIsImp3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6IjZfR0Iydm9RMHFyb01oNk9sREZDRlNfU0pyaVFpMVBUdnZCT2hHWjNiSEkiLCJ5IjoiSWVnT0pVTHlFN1N4SF9DZDFLQ0VSN2xXQnZHRkhRLWgweHlqelVqRUlXRSJ9LCJhdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjoiYWMifQ.6Fb_vVBDmfNghQiBmIGe8o7tBfYPbPCywhQruP0vIhxgmcJmuNTaMHeVn_M8ZnOm1_bzIitbZqCWEn-1Qzmtyw"

<h3 id="header-sec-session-id">`Sec-Session-Id` HTTP Header Field</h3>
<p>The \`<dfn export http-header id="sec-session-id-header">
Expand All @@ -420,88 +436,169 @@ spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:
<p>\`<a http-header><code>Sec-Session-Id</code></a>\` is a structured header.
Its value must be a string. It's ABNF is:</p>
<pre class="abnf">SecSessionChallenge = <a>sf-string</a></pre>
This string MUST only contain the session identifier.
<h4 id="id-structured-header-serialization">Structured header serialization</h4>
This string MUST only contain the session identifier. Any paramters SHOULD be

<h3 id="format-session-instructions">DBSC Session Instruction Format</h3>

<h3 id="format-jwt">DBSC Proof JWT Syntax</h3>
A <dfn>DBSC proof</dfn> proof is a JWT that is signed (using JSON Web Signature (JWS)), with
a private key chosen by the client. The header of a [=DBSC proof=] MUST
contain at least the following parameters:
<dl dfn-for="DBSC proof">
: <dfn>typ</dfn>
:: a [=string=] MUST be "dbsc+jwt"
: <dfn>alg</dfn>
:: a [=string=] defining the algorithm used to sign this JWT. It MUST be
either "RS256" or "ES256" from [IANA.JOSE.ALGS].

The payload of [=DBSC proof=] MUST contain at least the following claims:
<dl dfn-for="DBSC proof">
: <dfn>aud</dfn>
:: a [=string=], MUST be the [=url=] this JWT was originally sent to.
Example: ""
: <dfn>jti</dfn>
:: a [=string=], a copy of the challenge value sent in the registration
: <dfn>iat</dfn>
:: a [=string=], this claim identifies the time at which the JWT was
issued. This claim can be used to determine the age of the JWT. Its
value MUST be a number containing a NumericDate value.
: <dfn>jwk</dfn>
:: a [=string=] defining a JWK as specified in [rfc7517].

In addition the following claims MUST be present if present in
<dl dfn-for="DBSC proof">
: <dfn>authorization</dfn>
:: a [=string=], direct copy of the string from
[:Sec-Session-Registration:], if set there. Note that this string is
OPTIONAL to include in the header, but if it is present it is
MANDATORY for clients to add the claim in the [=DBSC proof=].

<div class="example">
An example [=DBSC proof=] sent to

// Header
"alg": "ES256",
"typ": "dbsc+jwt"
// Payload
"aud": "",
"jti": "cv",
"iat": "1725579055",
"jwk": {
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"x": "6_GB2voQ0qroMh6OlDFCFS_SJriQi1PTvvBOhGZ3bHI",
"y": "IegOJULyE7SxH_Cd1KCER7lWBvGFHQ-h0xyjzUjEIWE"
"authorization": "ac"
<div class="example">
Sec-Session-Response: "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6ImRic2Mrand0In0.eyJhdWQiOiJodHRwczovL2V4YW1wbGUuY29tL3JlZyIsImp0aSI6ImN2IiwiaWF0IjoiMTcyNTU3OTA1NSIsImp3ayI6eyJrdHkiOiJFQyIsImNydiI6IlAtMjU2IiwieCI6IjZfR0Iydm9RMHFyb01oNk9sREZDRlNfU0pyaVFpMVBUdnZCT2hHWjNiSEkiLCJ5IjoiSWVnT0pVTHlFN1N4SF9DZDFLQ0VSN2xXQnZHRkhRLWgweHlqelVqRUlXRSJ9LCJhdXRob3JpemF0aW9uIjoiYWMifQ.6Fb_vVBDmfNghQiBmIGe8o7tBfYPbPCywhQruP0vIhxgmcJmuNTaMHeVn_M8ZnOm1_bzIitbZqCWEn-1Qzmtyw"

Based on this response header from the server:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Sec-Session-Registration: (ES256);path="reg";challenge="cv";authorization="ac"
recieved on a response from ``````
<h3 id="format-session-instructions">DBSC Session Instruction Format</h3>
The server sends <dfn>session instructions</dfn> during session registration and
optionally during session refresh. If the response contains session
instructions it MUST be in JSON format.

At the root of the JSON object the following keys can exist:
<dl dfn-for="session instructions">
: <dfn>session identifier</dfn>
:: a [=string=] representing a [=device bound session/session identifier=].
If this [=session instructions=] is sent during a refresh request this
MUST be the [=device bound session/session identifier=] for the current
session. If not these instructions SHOULD be ignored.
If this [=session instructions=] is sent during a registration it MUST
either be a unique iditifier for this [=host/registrable domain=], or it
will overwrite the current [=device bound session=] with this identifier
for the current [=host/registrable domain=].
This key MUST be present.

: <dfn>refresh_url</dfn>
:: a [=string=] representing the [=url=] used for future refresh requests.
This can be a full url, or relative to the current [=request=].
This key is OPTIONAL, if not present the registration url will be used for
future refresh requests.

: <dfn>continue</dfn>
:: a [=boolean=] representing if the current session should continue, or be
closed on the client. This key is OPTIONAL, and if not present the default
value will be true.

: <dfn>defer_requests</dfn>
:: a [=boolean=] describing the wanted session behavior during a session
refresh. If this value is true all requests related to this session will
be deferred while the session is refreshed. If instead the value is false
every request will instead be sent as normal, but with a
[:Sec-Session-Response:] header containing the [=DBSC proof=].
This key is OPTIONAL, and if not present a value of true is default.

<div class="example">
"session_identifier": "session_id",
"refresh_url": "/RefreshEndpoint",

"scope": {
// Origin-scoped by default (i.e.
// Specifies to include https://* except excluded subdomains.
// This can only be true if the origin's host is the root eTLD+1.
"origin": "",
"include_site": true,
"continue": false,
"defer_requests": true, // optional and true by default

"scope_specification" : [
{ "type": "include", "domain": "", "path": "/only_trusted_path" },
{ "type": "exclude", "domain": "", "path": "/" },
{ "type": "exclude", "domain": "*", "path": "/static" }

"credentials": [{
"type": "cookie",
// This specifies the exact cookie that this config applies to. Attributes
// match the cookie attributes in RFC 6265bis and are parsed similarly to
// a normal Set-Cookie line, using the same default values.
// These SHOULD be equivalent to the Set-Cookie line accompanying this
// response.
"name": "auth_cookie",
"attributes": "; Path=/; Secure; SameSite=None"
// Attributes Max-Age, Expires and HttpOnly are ignored

<h3 id="format-jwt">DBSC Proof JWT Syntax</h3>
A <dfn>DBSC proof</dfn> proof is a JWT that is signed (using JSON Web
Signature (JWS)), with a private key chosen by the client. The header of a
[=DBSC proof=] MUST contain at least the following parameters:
<dl dfn-for="DBSC proof">
: <dfn>typ</dfn>
:: a [=string=] MUST be "dbsc+jwt"
: <dfn>alg</dfn>
:: a [=string=] defining the algorithm used to sign this JWT. It MUST be
either "RS256" or "ES256" from [IANA.JOSE.ALGS].

The payload of [=DBSC proof=] MUST contain at least the following claims:
<dl dfn-for="DBSC proof">
: <dfn>aud</dfn>
:: a [=string=], MUST be the [=url=] this JWT was originally sent to.
Example: ""
: <dfn>jti</dfn>
:: a [=string=], a copy of the challenge value sent in the registration
: <dfn>iat</dfn>
:: a [=string=], this claim identifies the time at which the JWT was
issued. This claim can be used to determine the age of the JWT. Its
value MUST be a number containing a NumericDate value.
: <dfn>jwk</dfn>
:: a [=string=] defining a JWK as specified in [rfc7517].

In addition the following claims MUST be present if present in
<dl dfn-for="DBSC proof">
: <dfn>authorization</dfn>
:: a [=string=], direct copy of the string from
[:Sec-Session-Registration:], if set there. Note that this string is
OPTIONAL to include in the header, but if it is present it is
MANDATORY for clients to add the claim in the [=DBSC proof=].

<div class="example">
An example [=DBSC proof=] sent to

// Header
"alg": "ES256",
"typ": "dbsc+jwt"
// Payload
"aud": "",
"jti": "cv",
"iat": "1725579055",
"jwk": {
"kty": "EC",
"crv": "P-256",
"x": "6_GB2voQ0qroMh6OlDFCFS_SJriQi1PTvvBOhGZ3bHI",
"y": "IegOJULyE7SxH_Cd1KCER7lWBvGFHQ-h0xyjzUjEIWE"
"authorization": "ac"

Based on this response header from the server:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Sec-Session-Registration: (ES256);path="reg";challenge="cv";authorization="ac"
recieved on a response from ``````

<h2 id="changes-to-other-specifications">Changes to other specifications</h2>
<h3 id="changes-to-fetch">Changes to the Fetch specification</h3>
--> Check if session should be refreshed before sending request
- Alternatively add proof with Sec-Session-Response
<h3 id="changes-to-html">Changes to the HTML specification</h3>
--> Clear Site Data: Clear the session if this is received

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -585,6 +682,7 @@ spec: RFC8941; urlPrefix:

<h2 id="changelog">Changelog</h2>
This is an early draft of the spec.

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