The simplest way to automate bird detection in your garden !
- A raspberry pi
- A battery
- An usb microphone or microphone shield
- A plastic box to fit the rpi pi and the battery (most likely waterproof)
On raspberry pi (using raspbian) with working python environement (use raspbian legacy version):
###Don't use an username as it will mess up some features, keep "pi" username###
Enable ssh by going into start menu > Preferences > Raspberry Pi Configuration click on Interfaces and click enable next to SSH and click OK
Enter raspi-config
in command prompt
Disable graphic interface of raspbian by ssh to reduce power usage, its easy to find either in command line using raspi-config or in raspberry pi settings.
You will need to eable wifi access point from your raspberry pi to access birdcapture from your phone for example. Follow this tutorial :
Clone this repository into /home/pi/ with :
git clone
Then, just execute the script once in a python editor on the raspberry pi : the program will move the required files to auto start next times
Do all required changes in config.cfg
,enter your lattitude and longitude