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Releases: VoltaireNoir/blight

Version 0.7.0

18 Sep 13:52
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Release Notes


This release contains some breaking changes for the library users, like the type change from u16 to u32 as part of a bug fix. Other than that, a current_percent method has been added to Device for convenience, and there's a minor CLI related change. The rest of the changes are all memory usage improvements and code refactoring for improved maintainability.


  • Device::current_percent method that returns brightness percentage (in contrast with current which returns the raw current value)


  • All functions and methods that took and returned u16 now use u32 (breaking change)
  • device_path method now returns a PathBuf instead of &Path due to internal code changes (breaking change)
  • blight status now prints brightness percentage along with the raw value


  • Significant reduction of heap allocations
  • Reduced code duplication and code refactored for maintainability


  • blight failing to work with devices that may use values larger than u16::MAX - #6 (Thanks pdamianik)

Download blight 0.7.0

target kind download
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu tarball blight-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz

Version 0.6.0

05 Jul 13:02
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Release Notes


Fixed a major bug related to single instance check, which also changes the CLI behavior slightly. Improved error reporting in case of panics. Most changes in this release only affect the CLI side of things.


  • CLI no longer returns an error if another instance is running. Instead, it waits for it to finish (#5)
  • blight no longer compiles on OSs other than Linux, as they are unsupported


  • Custom panic handler now properly prints panic related info to the user to help with better bug reports


  • CLI falsely reporting that another instance is running (#4)

Download blight 0.6.0

target kind download
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu tarball blight-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz


13 Mar 15:58
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Release Notes


  • Device::device_path method, returns &Path to the location of the device in sys/class/backlight/
  • Delay type to customize the write frequency or delay between each write in Device::sweep_write
  • Custom panic hook (CLI) to print more helpful messages when a panic occurs


  • Device::reload only reloads current value
  • Device::sweep_write updates brightness changes more efficiently (#2)


  • Helper function sweep is now Device::sweep_write (#2)


  • Integer overflow while using sweep change (#1)
  • Device::write_value & set_bl silently ignoring or writing values larger than max supported (f30b3c5)
  • Stdout and Stderr message formatting inconsistencies


20 Feb 08:20
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What's new?

  • A minor release that mainly brings improvement to the code, for better maintainability.
  • Sweep now uses a 1% rate of change, making the sweeping effect more consistent across different backlight devices.


  • Fixed undesirably slow rate of change when using sweep on certain backlight devices with higher max brightness values such as 255 instead of 100.


11 Feb 16:59
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What's new?

  • The library aspect of the crate is properly separated from CLI, improved and well documented
  • Cleaner print messages in CLI
  • Using more standard CLI command syntax (run blight help to learn more)
  • Better error messages (now prints the error message when blight is already running)
  • A helper script to gain write permissions to the backlight interface (run sudo blight setup)
  • Save and restore brightness using blight save and blight restore
  • Many other minor/major internal changes

Breaking Changes

This release comes with many breaking changes for both the library API and the CLI. See library docs or readme for updated API documentation. You can expect future releases to mostly contain non-breaking changes.


10 Aug 10:09
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What's new?

  • The blight status command now allows you to specify optional device name, just like other commands (this functionality was introduced in v0.3.0)
    • For example: blight status intel_backlight
    • You can still use blight status to display status of the backlight device that blight detects automatically

Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1


09 Aug 16:29
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What's new?

  • You can now specify device name at the end of a command to override the default device detection method
  • You can now display all available backlight devices on your system by running blight list
  • Under-the-hood changes
  • A cute crab mascot for blight (thanks to Sneha Sundar for generating the image using Dall-E 2)

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.3.0


06 Aug 16:55
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What's new?

  • Improved error handling:
    • Code refactored to make some error handling simpler and easier to read
    • blight now prints error message and helpful tip on write failure instead of panicking
  • You can now check if you have write permissions to the brightness file using blight status

Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.2.0

Initial Release

01 Aug 16:03
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