Python implementation that manages a UDP connection to RLViser, it launches the RLViser binary from the current working directory upon first calling any render function.
The backbone of RLGym's env.render()
import time
import rlviser_py as vis
import RocketSim as rs
game_mode = rs.GameMode.SOCCAR
# Create example arena
arena = rs.Arena(game_mode)
# Set boost pad locations
vis.set_boost_pad_locations([pad.get_pos().as_tuple() for pad in arena.get_boost_pads()])
# Setup example arena
car = arena.add_car(rs.Team.BLUE)
car.set_state(rs.CarState(pos=rs.Vec(z=17), vel=rs.Vec(x=50), boost=100))
arena.ball.set_state(rs.BallState(pos=rs.Vec(y=400, z=100), ang_vel=rs.Vec(x=5)))
car.set_controls(rs.CarControls(throttle=1, steer=1, boost=True))
# Run for 3 seconds
TIME = 3
steps = 0
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(round(TIME * arena.tick_rate)):
# Render the current game state
pad_states = [pad.get_state().is_active for pad in arena.get_boost_pads()]
ball = arena.ball.get_state()
car_data = [
(,, car.get_config(), car.get_state())
for car in arena.get_cars()
vis.render(steps, arena.tick_rate, game_mode, pad_states, ball, car_data)
# sleep to simulate running real time (it will run a LOT after otherwise)
time.sleep(max(0, start_time + steps / arena.tick_rate - time.time()))
steps += 1
# Tell RLViser to exit