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                Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Firestorm


     Copyright 1999 & 2000,  Electronic Arts.  All rights reserved.

                            January 19, 2000

For the latest info and updates on Westwood products, visit


1. Installation/Uninstallation
    1.1 DirectX Information
    1.2 Windows NT Users
    1.3 Uninstallation

2. Troubleshooting
    2.1 Video & Sound Card Issues
      2.1.1 Windows 2000 Sound Issues
    2.2 Error Messages
    2.3 Modem & Serial Games
    2.4 Network Games
    2.5 Virtual Memory/RAM Issues
    2.6 Other Issues
      2.6.1 System Lockups and Reboots
      2.6.2 Autoplay
      2.6.3 16 bit CD-ROM Drivers
      2.6.4 Choppy Movie Performance
      2.6.5 Power Saving Modes
      2.6.6 Periodic Slowdowns

3. Information
    3.1 Battle Clans, Tournaments, and the World Domination Tour
      3.1.1 Battle Clans
      3.1.2 Tournaments
      3.1.3 The World Domination Tour
    3.2 Westwood Online
      3.2.1 Game Update Information

4. Gameplay Issues
5. Revision History

1. Installation/Uninstallation

	To Install: 

	Insert the Firestorm CD 
	Select Install 
	If the AutoPlay screen does not pop up:
 		Double-click on the "My Computer" icon 
		Double-click on the CD icon 
		Double-click on the Setup icon 
		Follow the on-screen instructions during the installation program 

	Unlike Tiberian Sun, Firestorm does not require a serial number to install.

	1.1 DirectX Information

	Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun is a Microsoft DirectX application. 
	Version 6.0 of Microsoft DirectX is included on the CD and you have 
	the option to install it when Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun is 

	Under some early versions of Windows 95, DirectX 6.0 cannot be 
	installed directly from the Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun installer.
	If this occurs, please run DXSetup.exe located on the CD in the 
	DXSetup folder.
	All Microsoft DirectX drivers are located in the DXSetup folder off of the 
	root of the CD. To reinstall the Microsoft DirectX drivers go into the 
	DXSetup folder and run DXSetup.exe. You can explore the CD by 
	choosing the "Explore the CD" option in the AutoPlay title screen.  If you
	have difficulty running Windows 95/98 after these new Microsoft 
	DirectX drivers have been installed, please contact your local Microsoft
	subsidiary, or write:

		Microsoft Customer Sales and Service,
		One Microsoft Way,
		Redmond, WA 98052-6399, USA

		USA telephone: 1-800-426-9400
		International telephone: +1-206-882-8080

	1.2 Windows NT Users

	Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun requires Service Pack 3 or later 
	versions to be installed in order to work with Windows NT 4.0.  
	Please contact your computer manufacturer or 
	if you need to get Service Pack 3.

	1.3 Uninstallation

	You can uninstall the game from the Control Panel:
		Click on "Start" 
		Highlight "Settings" 
		Click on "Control Panel" 
		Double-Click on "Add/Remove Programs" 
		Select "Tiberian Sun: Firestorm" and click OK 
		Or through the AutoRun feature:
		Insert the Firestorm CD in the CD-ROM drive 
		When the AutoPlay window pops up, click Uninstall 
		Follow the on-screen instructions 

2. Troubleshooting

	2.1 Video & Sound Card Issues

	Firestorm uses Microsoft's DirectX technology for sound and graphics. 
	This means that your video and sound card drivers must be 100% 
	DirectX compatible.  Most new computers come out of the box with 
	DirectX support installed. Try starting Firestorm before installing 
	DirectX to see if your computer is already setup with DirectX compatible 
	drivers. If not, you can install DirectX 7.0 from the Firestorm CD, or 
	download the latest DirectX version at It is 
	important that you reinstall DirectX after updating your video and sound
	card drivers.  DirectX 6.0 is also available on the Tiberian Sun CD.

	Most sound and video cards will work fine with the drivers included with 
	DirectX, however, if you experience problems you will want to contact 
	your sound or video card manufacturer and obtain the latest DirectX 
	drivers for your hardware. 

	Signs indicating you need an updated driver:

		You receive any Direct Draw or Direct Sound errors 
		Game crashes or hangs 
		Sound cuts out during the game 
		Windows desktop is distorted or corrupted. 
	If you don't have internet access, contact your sound or video card 
	manufacturer to obtain the latest DirectX compatible drivers for your 
	hardware, then follow the manufacturer's instructions for installing 
	their drivers. 

	Sound Problems (after updating the drivers): 

		Make sure you have the latest updates for Windows, including the
		latest Service Pack from Microsoft.  

		Check your CD-ROM drive. Sound is streamed from the CD, if the 
		CD-ROM drive is not working right this can cause problems like 
		skipping sound.

	Video monitor settings may need to be adjusted after installing the 
	Microsoft DirectX video drivers.  If you screen distorts, or is shifted 
	horizontally or vertically, you can return it to normal by adjusting the
	controls on your monitor.  

	If you cannot use the "Stretch to fit option" this most likely means that 
	your video card does not support this feature.

	If you are using the Microsoft Theme Pack and have selected a custom 
	cursor, video corruption can occur.  For best results, please use default 
	cursors while playing Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun.

	Old SoundBlaster AWE 64 and AWE 32 sound card drivers can cause 
	skipping and repeating sound that may cause your computer to run 
	Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun much slower than normal.  If you 
	have one of these sound cards and are experiencing these symptoms, 
	please contact your card manufacturer for latest drivers.

	Audio may stutter on certain systems running Windows NT.  To correct 
	this problem you must install the latest audio driver for your sound card.

	Most sound card problems can be corrected by installing the latest 
	drivers for your particular card.  Please consult your sound card
	documentation for details on how to get the latest drivers.

	If you are using USB speakers, do not turn off the speakers during 
	gameplay.  Doing so may  cause the game to crash.

	If another application is using the sound card while trying to install or 
	run the game, a "DXSound Error" will appear.   If this error occurs, 
	please close all applications and run the install or game again.

		2.1.1 Windows 2000 Sound Issues

		Users of Windows 2000 may experience difficulty in getting the 
		sound to work correctly in Firestorm.  Initially, you may want 
		to try adjusting some of the performance parameters under the 
		Multimedia control panel.  From the Start menu, choose Settings 
		and then Control Panel.  Double click the Multimedia icon.  Under 
		the audio tab, click the Advanced Properties button under Playback.  
		Under the performance tab, you may want to try modifying the 
		acceleration settings based on Windows' recommendation.

		As of January 18, 2000, Windows 2000 does not include proper 
		support for most Creative Labs sound cards (this includes the 
		Sound Blaster line).  Creative Labs should be releasing updated 
		drivers for their products that should fix most or all 
		incompatibility issues, but until these drivers are available 
		users may not be able to use their Sound Blaster cards 
		successfully under Windows 2000.

	2.2 Error Messages

	Direct Draw Errors:  Download and Install the latest video card driver  
	Direct Sound Errors:  Download and Install the latest sound card driver  

	A fatal exception has occurred:  Download and Install the latest 
		Video & Sound card drivers  

	Page faults: 
		Update your Sound and Video drivers. 
		Reinstall Microsoft DirectX 
		Make sure you have the latest updates for Windows, including 
		the most recent Service Pack

	Internal Errors:
		Firestorm will generate an error log that should be sent to 
		Westwood for examination. If you send these files to us, we 
		can more easily and quickly determine the cause of the error.

	Reconnection Error:
		Files named syncx.txt will be created in the Tiberian Sun 
		directory, where x is the number of the player with which a 
		problem occurred.  In this case, send e-mail to Westwood and 
		include all syncx.txt files from all machines involved in the game.

	Crashes/Black Screen on Startup: Ensure that there is no reference to 
		EMM386.EXE in your config.sys file

	Users of Earthlink, Mindspring, and some other ISPs:
		Open Task Manager by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Del
		Search the task list for a process called "armon32"
		Highlight armon32 and click End Task
		This will prevent Firestorm from crashing on startup 

	2.3 Modem & Serial Games

	To check your modem settings:

		Click on the "Start Button" 
		Click on "Settings" 
		Click on "Control Panel" 
		Double-click on the "Modem" icon 
		If you don't see your specific modem listed, try installing the 
			manufacturer's drivers. Always make sure you have the most 
			recent driver available from your modem/computer manufacturer. 
		Click on the "Properties" button 
		Click on the "Connection" tab 
		Click on the "Advanced" button 
		Make sure that "Use flow control" is set to "Hardware" 
		Also ensure that XON/XOFF is not enabled, as it will cause problems 
			with our games 
		For best results, disable Data Compression and Error Correction 
		If you are still having problems, your modem may not support 
			hardware flow control 

	2.4 Network Games

	If your network uses Ethernet, you should verify that all computers are 
	using the same settings. 

	To change the settings: 

		Click on the "Start Button" 
		Select "Settings" 
		Select "Control Panel" 
		Double-click on the "Network" icon 
		Find and select the section of your networking list that mentions IPX 
		Click "Properties" 
		Click "Advanced" 
		Set "Frame Type" to 802.3
		(Note: If you have a network administrator, check with him/her for 
			the correct frame type settings on your network) 
		Set "Max Connections" to 16 
		Set "Max Sockets" to 32 

	2.5 Virtual Memory/RAM Issues

	Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun may need to use more RAM than is 
	present on your system.  Windows 95/98 automatically takes care of this 
	by using what is known as "Virtual Memory" - which uses space on your 
	hard disk to simulate the memory it needs and swaps data back and forth 
	from your hard disk as required. Windows 95/98 allows you to manually 
	set the amount of hard drive space it uses for Virtual Memory: WE HIGHLY 
	RECOMMEND THAT YOU DO NOT DO THIS! To let Windows 95/98 manage 
	the Virtual Memory, go to the Windows 95/98 start menu, select 
	'settings\control panel', then double-click 'system', click 
	'performance\file system\virtual memory' and then select 'Let Windows 
	manage my virtual memory settings (recommended).'

	Certain systems contain video cards that use system memory as video 
	memory.  With these systems, it is possible that Command & Conquer 
	Tiberian Sun will not run properly if you have only 32MB of memory.  
	Since the video card uses system memory, usually 4MB or 8MB, on 
	32MB machines there is not enough memory left to run the game.  In 
	order for Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun to run properly you will need 
	to increase your system memory or use a video card with dedicated 
	video RAM.

	2.6 Other Issues

		2.6.1 System Lockups and Reboots 

		Make sure you have the latest Windows updates 
		Check your CD-ROM Settings 
		Make sure you have the updated video & sound card drivers 

		2.6.2 Autoplay

		If your CD does not AutoPlay when inserted in the drive, you may 
		have this feature disabled. To Enable AutoPlay, right click on 
		'My Computer' and select 'Properties' then 'Device Manager'.  
		Select your CD-ROM drive and click 'Properties'. Select 'Settings' 
		and check the 'Auto insert notification' box.

		2.6.3 16 Bit CD-ROM Drivers

		Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun may fail to start if there is a 
		16 bit CD-ROM driver loaded from the AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS. 
		If you have references to MSCDEX or equivalent drivers then try 
		removing them from your autoexec.bat and config.sys files. 
		Windows 95/98 does not generally need these drivers to 
		work and in most cases will actually perform better without them.

		2.6.4 Choppy Movie Performance

		If you find that the movie performance is choppy or jerky, try 
		reducing the Windows 95/98 CD caching by going to the 
		Start/Settings/Control Panel and double-clicking the System applet. 
		In the System Properties dialog, click the Performance tab and then 
		click the File System button. From the File System Properties dialog, 
		click the CD-ROM tab and note the Supplemental Cache Size setting (so 
		that you can reset the cache size if need be). Now set the Supplemental 
		Cache Size to Small. This should have a marked effect on movie performance.

		2.6.5 Power Saving Modes

		It is possible that your computer loses connection to your ISP due 
		to long periods of inactivity.  Sometimes this is caused by the 
		sleep mode in your "Power Saving" options. This can cause problems 
		during game play or when connected to Westwood Online. To avoid 
		any problems please disable your screen saver or power-saving 
		modes when running the game.

		2.6.6 Periodic Slowdowns

		If periodic slowdowns occur while playing Command & Conquer 
		Tiberian Sun while the CD is being accessed, it is most likely 
		due to music being played from the CD.  If this occurs, please 
		reinstall Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun and install the music 
		files onto the hard drive.  This will greatly reduce the slowdowns 
		on CD access.

		If periodic slowdowns occur while playing Command & Conquer 
		Tiberian Sun and the CD is not being accessed please insure that 
		there are no other applications running during your game session.  
		This includes anti-virus software.

3. Information

	3.1 Battle Clans, Tournaments, and the World Domination Tour

		3.1.1 Battle Clans

		Pioneered in Tiberian Sun, Battle Clans allow people all over the 
		world to join together and compete against other groups of players.  
		Any player of Tiberian Sun can create a Battle Clan.  
		The process is simple!

		Decide what your Battle Clan will be focused on.  Do you want a 
		motto?  A flag?  A battle philosophy?  And most importantly, will 
		you claim allegiance to GDI or Nod?

		Once you have chosen this information for your Clan, go to and click on the 
		"Create Clan" button.  This will take you to the Battle Clan 
		creation screen.

		Fill out the information on this screen to set up your Battle Clan.  
		A few important points: The WOL Login and Password is the account 
		information for you, the Clan Founder.  

		Squad Name is your Clan's full name, while the Abbreviation will be 
		displayed by each member's name in Westwood Online chat rooms.

		The Admin password should only be given to those who you wish to 
		have full administrative access to the Clan.  This includes powers 
		such removing members and chainging the Clan's status.

		The Join password should be given to anyone you recruit into the 
		Clan.   This password will need to be entered by the new member 
		when he or she attempts to join.

		Status -- open or closed -- is simply whether or not you are 
		accepting new members.

		If you have a Clan homepage, e-mail address, or ICQ account, then 
		they can be entered in the respective fields.

		Next, your Clan can have a motto.  This motto can be viewed by 
		anyone on the Clan listing page.

		After you have successfully created your Clan, you will be taken 
		to the Battle Clan Flag Creator.  Here, simply follow the 
		instructions on screen to create your personal Clan flag.

		Once your Clan is created, you can start recruiting members!  
		When you recruit a new member, give them the Join password and 
		direct them to to browse 
		the clan list.  From this screen they will be able to choose your 
		clan, enter their Westwood Online information, and click the 
		Join Clan information. 

		Note that there is a maximum of 20 players in any Battle Clan.

		Administration can be done from the main Battle Clan page by 
		clicking on the "Clan Administration" button.

		If you wish to play a Clan game, make sure that you choose 
		"BattleClan" when creating a game in Westwood Online.

 		3.1.2 Tournament Information

		Any player can participate in the Firestorm tournaments on Westwood 
		Online.  If you are creating the game, select "Ladder" as the type 
		on the initial game creation window.  If you are joining another 
		players game, ensure that it is a ladder game by looking at the the 
		icon displayed by the game channel.  If it a trophy, then the results 
		of the game will affect your tournament ranking.

		While on Westwood Online, there are links at the bottom of the screen 
		that will take you directly to the ladder ranking web page.  Clicking 
		on this button will minimize Firestorm and open the page in your web 
		browser.  Once you have loaded the page, you can view the current 
		rankings.  The results page is updated every few hours so the ranking 
		you see may not be completely accurate.

		Clicking on a players name will allow you to view that players 
		statistics.  From this page you can also view the outcome of every 
		ladder game that user has played.  The information displayed after 
		clicking on an individual game includes the players in the game, 
		the outcome, and some statistical information about the battle.

		3.1.3 The World Domination Tour

		The World Domination Tour (WDT) feature in Firestorm takes the 
		battle between GDI and Nod to a whole new level.  WDT pits GDI and 
		Nod players against one another in a multiplayer slugfest to control 
		either the Northern or European continents.  Players will battle in 
		various contested territories with pre-defined map conditions set 
		for each territory.  At the end of the day, the outcome of the battles 
		fought in each territory will determine which side controls that 
		territory.  The battle lines between the two sides will push forward 
		or fall back based on who controls each territory, with new territories 
		becoming contested.  After time, one side will win control of that 
		continent and the bragging rights for their faction.

		The World Domination Tour is available from the mutiplayer menu.  As 
		with any online game, you should have your internet connection active 
		before clicking the World Domination button.  The first time you log 
		on to the WDT server, you will select which side you wish to fight for 
		-- GDI or Nod.  During subsequent WTD games you will play as the side 
		you initially chose. Your side selection remains until the start of the 
		next WTD cycle (which usually last about 2 weeks).

		After you have selected your side you will be brought into the current 
		battle map display.  On this map, you can see where the Nod, GDI, 
		and contested territories are displayed and you can select which 
		territory you wish to fight in.  Each territory has been set up to 
		provide a diverse range of games to play.  Many of the options have 
		been predetermined and in most cases you will have to select which 
		options to battle under.  When you move the cursor over any contested 
		area you will see a listing of the battle conditions set for that map.  
		The Tech level might be lowered or you will start with less money.  
		Some contested territories will be harder to take over than most, 
		so look over this information before jumping into any game.  When 
		you move the cursor over any GDI or Nod territory you will see how 
		the rest of the world is surviving.

	3.2 Westwood Online

	Westwood Online is Westwood's online gaming service.  It allows people all 
	over the world to compete head-to-head at no charge. Tiberian Sun: Firestorm 
	is compatible with Westwood Online and allows for play against multiple human 
	or computer opponents via the Internet.

	Selecting Internet on the Multiplayer Game menu will take you to the Westwood 
	Online (WOL) login screen. If you already have a WOL account, just type in your 
	nickname and password and click OK to jump online. 
	If you don't have an account, you can create one by clicking on New Account and 
	following the on-screen instructions. To return to the Multiplayer menu, click Cancel.

	If you have never played WOL before, you must create a user account before you 
	can play. Click New Account and you will begin the process of getting online to 
	play.  Once you have connected to Westwood, you will need to answer a few 
	questions before an account can be created for you.

	If all goes well with the account creation, the program will attempt to connect 
	to WOL and the game lobby. If the program has any difficulty establishing a 
	connection to the server, a message will pop up outlining the problem it has 
	encountered. For more information on potential problems, please refer to the 
	Troubleshooting section of the Firestorm reference guide.

	Once you have established a connection to WOL, you will be presented with the 
	WOL Lobby Screen. On this screen you can perform many different functions, 
	such as joining a game, creating a new game, chatting with other players, 
	finding or paging other players and viewing the tournament ladder.

	The left side of the Chat Screen is the chat window for incoming and outgoing 
	chat messages.  As people type, their messages appear in the chat windows, 
	formatted as their name followed by the message they typed. To send a message, 
	simply type it on the input line and press the enter key. To call attention to 
	an outgoing message, you can click the action button on the right side. This 
	will post the message in a different color to highlight its importance. To 
	direct a message to a specific person or list of people, you can click multiple 
	names from the user list on the lower right of the screen.

	For additional information on the operation and capabilities of Westwood Online,
	please refer to the Firestorm Reference Guide.

		3.2.1 Game Update Information

		Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun contains an auto-updating feature. 
		Updated versions of the game will be announced to you when playing 
		Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun on Westwood Online. When an updated 
		version of the game is available you will be able to receive it and 
		automatically have it installed, if you wish. If you do not intend 
		to play Command & Conquer Tiberian Sun on Westwood Online then 
		please check HTTP:// for update information.

4. Gameplay Issues

	Engineers can be placed in Guard mode, like any other unit.  When in 
	guard mode, engineers automatically heal any nearby player owned 
	structures that are damaged into the red or capture nearby enemy buildings.

5. Revision History

Changes in V. 2.0

-  Tiberian Sun: Firestorm

Changes in V. 1.17a

-  Fixed bug where buildings could be built in arbitrary

Changes in V. 1.17

-  Fix for possible disconnect or packet received too late 
   condition at the end of a multiplayer game.

-  New 'Multi Engineer' option for multiplayer games gives 
   Red Alert style engineer behavior to address engineer rush 

-  Fix for a bug that caused internal errors or reconnection 
   errors during multiplayer games.

-  Railgun force fire no longer damages buildings multiple 

-  Server list no longer displays duplicate servers.

Changes in V. 1.16a.1

- Fixed bug where harvester truce could be on in a skirmish game.

- Tweak to improve unit response time at the start of the game.

- If the host of an internet game is using a modified or user 
  created map, the guests will now get a warning message instead 
  of just a blank preview.

- Fix for occasional 'Packet received too late' or 'Reconnection 
  error' at the end of an internet game.

- Fix for possible 'Packet received too late' or 'Reconnection 
  error' when playing a LAN game right after playing an internet game.

- Fix for bug which would allow mixed game versions to start a 
  LAN game with subsequent bad behavior.

- Fix for a bug where the player could get stuck in building 
  placement mode if they lost their last construction yard.

- A new "game speed" slider on Internet Game setup screen. This 
  allows players to set the initial game speed. A game speed 
  slider has also been added to the in-game options top level so 
  that it is easier to access. 

- An improved game setup screen layout (Random map is now a 
  button under multiplay map).
- The map select screen now includes a new map preview.

- A new game-latency tolerance setting in the game options screen 
  allows players to increase the tolerance of network latency on 
  laggy connections. 

- New granularity of game speed slider (now has a 45 fps setting). 
  The slider now has the following settings in Internet multiplay. 
  15 fps (middle) 20 fps (default) 30 fps 45 fps (new) 60 fps (max). 

- Advanced code to evaluate and manipulate slow or high latency
  connections. The game now uses the ping times from the lobby/game 
  options screen to set up multiplayer timing values for the game. You 
  should notice that the game runs faster at the start of the game (if 
  you have a good connection) than it used to. 

- New code to reduce bandwidth used when game speed is set to 30
  fps (one notch above the default) or above. 

- Generally reduced bandwidth in multiplayer game. Combined with the 
  above feature, the game now consumes significantly less network 
  bandwidth compared to earlier versions.

- Out of sync due to certain turrets is fixed.

- Fixed a crash in modem disconnect code after playing a game.

- New "locale" setting on login dialog so that you can set your 
  geographic location. This will eventually be used in a future new 
  feature on our web site and in the tournament ladders. 

- New server select dialog. Many players were not aware that they 
  could change the Westwood Online server to which they were initially 
  connected. To address this, we have inserted a "select server" dialog 
  immediately after the login dialog. The game remembers if you change 
  the default and will select that server as default for subsequent logins. 

- New "short game" option added. This mode results in a loss when all
  buildings are lost and leads to a more decisive result when a shorter 
  game is desired. The MCV counts as a building for game over purposes. 

- Up to 32 nicknames can be now stored on the login dialog box. 

- Immediate feedback when giving a move order in multiplayer. 

- Added harvester logic to allow redirection to an alternative refinery. 

- Added notification to other players when game speed or latency settings
  are changed. 

- Added packet CRC check in Internet and network games to address
  problems some users were experiencing with packet corruption with some
  types of network card. (We have not been able to repeat this internally, 
  but RealTek cards seem to be common culprits.) 

Changes in V. 1.13

- Nod Artillery:Rate of fire decreased
		Damage decreased, approximately 20%
		Less effective against infantry

- Nod SAM site:	Power requirements are now double.

- GDI Disc throwers: Disc throwers now explode when killed 
  and damage any nearby units.

- Concrete and Firestorm walls:  These walls now build like
  laser fences.  If you place one wall section and then 
  place a second, a line is drawn indicating that a wall 
  segment will be built between the two sections.  You are 
  only charged for the cost of the end pieces of the wall, 
  not the connecting pieces.  Also, walls can be sold but 
  you will not receive money for sold sections.   
  Note: If there is an obstacle such as a unit or structure 
  that appears between the sections during placement, the 
  two sections will not connect.

- Structures cannot be built off of laser fence posts.

- If you wall your MCV in and undeploy it, it no longer 

- Holding down 'X' (scatter) key or any other keyboard 
  'event' generating command causes disconnect in modem or 
  dialup internet game. 

- Hunter Seeker code prioritizes targets that could affect 
  end-game situations in multiplayer.

- When harvester truce is enabled, hunter-seekers will no 
  longer destroy harvesters.

- Trainer programs can no longer cheat to unshroud the map.

- Trainer programs cannot be used to disable Fog of War 
  during a game where Fog of War has been enabled.

- When the message 'Computer has been defeated' is printed 
  when an AI loses, the message is printed in the color that 
  matches the AI's units.

- The crash caused when an engineer captures a construction 
  yard while the building placement cursor is active is fixed.

- Banshees can now fire on enemy units or force-fire on the 
  ground within the area of effect of a stealth generator.

- When ordering air units to travel to the top few spaces of 
  a map where there is a lot of water, aircraft now land on 
  the nearest spot of dry land rather than directly on the water.

- The Firestorm defense no longer stays up indefinitely when 
  power goes low.

- The crash when destroying a vein hole monster has been fixed.  
  This crash usually only happened after an extended period of 
  gameplay once the vein hole monster has been killed.

- The game can now run from any valid CD drive, not just the one 
  with the first drive letter.

- French and German sidebar text no longer overflows onto 
  sidebar icons.

- Ping meters are no longer partially covered by the scrollbars 
  in the WOL lobby.

- Find game dialog has been sped up. 

- Occasionally when joining a full game channel an incorrect 
  error message was displayed in your message window.  This 
  no longer happens.

Still having problems?  If none of the above information has helped and 
you are still unable to successfully run Tiberian Sun: Firestorm, then you 
can send e-mail to [email protected] to request technical support.

All information included herein is (c) 1999 & 2000, Electronic Arts


Archived repository to provide historial change history of the Tiberian Sun and Firestorm INI files.




