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Import files matching a glob pattern and export them as an array.

This plugin works similar to webpack's require.context or require.ensure, but for rollup.


npm i rollup-plugin-glob-files -D
// rollup.plugin.js
import globFiles from 'rollup-plugin-glob-files';

export default {
	// ...
	plugins: [globFiles(options)],

options: GlobOptions

  • GlobOptions is an object which contains the following. All of the paramaters are optional except for file.

    • key: (required): This can be anything. Just remember to import by this key. If, for example, this was set to @awesome, you would:

      import someArray from '@awesome';
    • include: This can be a single minimatch glob pattern, or an array of them. Default is ./**.

    • exclude: Same as include, except, of course, it excludes the files. Default is ./**/node_modules/**

    • importStar: Whether to use import * as something from 'other' in place of import something from 'other'. Default is false.

    • justImport: If the files should just be imported. Instead of import something from 'other', it just does this: import 'other'.
