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🎥 Movie Recommendation System

Python Flask SQLite Qdrant Redis OMDB API Render

🌟 Overview

The Movie Recommendation System suggests movies based on a user's favorite selections. It employs Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based Filtering techniques to provide personalized recommendations.
This system integrates data from multiple datasets. To see detailed building of systems, check the provided Jupyter notebooks.

🎥 Demo

Watch the system in action! 🎬

Watch the video

🛠️ Tech Stack

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS (TailwindCSS for styling)
  • Backend: Flask
  • Database: SQLite
  • Vector Database: Qdrant
  • Recommendation Engine:
    • Collaborative Filtering (with and without Matrix Factorization)
    • Content-Based Filtering
  • Deployment: Docker, Render (Initially deployed with Docker, later migrated to Render)
  • External APIs: OMDB Movie API (for movie metadata)
  • Server: Gunicorn
  • Caching: Redis (for API and page performance optimization)

🔥 Additional Optimizations

🚀 Redis Caching for APIs & Webpage

  • Implemented Redis to cache API responses and improve performance.
  • Reduces database queries and speeds up page load times.
  • Ensures efficient data retrieval for frequently accessed resources.

🚀 Project Flow

  1. User selects a favorite movie 🎬
  2. System retrieves similar movies based on cosine similarity in Qdrant 🔄
  3. Recommended movies are displayed along with their metadata 🖥️ Project Flow

📊 Real-Time Stats Dashboard with Socket.IO

  • Integrated a live analytics dashboard displaying:
    • Total Visitors
    • Unique Visitors
    • Active Users
  • Uses Socket.IO to provide real-time updates without refreshing the page.
  • Optimized UI with Tailwind CSS for a clean and mobile-friendly design.

🎭 Collaborative Filtering

Collaborative Filtering is based on user interactions with movies. It uses user ratings to find similarities between movies.

🔹 How It Works

  • The dataset contains a user-movie interaction matrix, where:
    • Rows represent movies
    • Columns represent users
    • Values represent ratings given by users to movies
  • Each movie is treated as a vector representation
  • A similarity score (e.g., cosine similarity) is applied to find the closest movies

📌 Example Representation: Collaborative Filtering1 Collaborative Filtering2

🎮 Content-Based Filtering

Content-Based Filtering focuses on movie attributes rather than user interactions.

🔹 How It Works

  • The dataset contains movie metadata, including:

    • Plot
    • Cast (lead actor, actress, etc.)
    • Crew (director, writer, etc.)
    • Genre
    • Year of release
    • Theme
    • Rating
    • Vote Count
  • Different vectorization techniques are applied to each attribute:

    • TF-IDF, Count Vectorizer for text-based data (e.g., plot)
    • Count Vectorizer for categorical data (e.g., genre, cast, crew)
  • Combined vector representations are used for similarity calculations

📌 Example Representation: Content-Based Filtering Content-Based Filtering

🌟 Adjusted Rating Calculation

The dataset contains vote count and each rating, so I have calculated one true rating based on the Bayesian Average formula to ensure fair ranking across movies:

[ \bar{R} = \frac{\sum (r_i \cdot v_i) + C \cdot m}{\sum v_i + m} ]


  • ( \bar{R} ) = Adjusted rating
  • ( r_i ) = Average rating of the movie
  • ( v_i ) = Number of votes for the movie
  • ( C ) = Mean rating across all movies
  • ( m ) = Minimum votes required to be considered

This formula prevents movies with very few ratings from getting an unfairly high or low rank by pulling them toward the global average until they receive more votes.

📌 Example Representation: Ratings

🔢 Matrix Factorization

Matrix Factorization is used to predict missing values in the user-movie rating matrix, improving recommendations.

🔹 Why Matrix Factorization?

  • User-movie interaction matrices are sparse (most values are missing)
  • Traditional Collaborative Filtering struggles with missing ratings
  • Matrix Factorization predicts missing values, improving recommendations

🔹 How It Works

  • Decomposes the user-movie matrix into two lower-dimensional matrices
  • Predicts missing ratings by reconstructing the original matrix
  • Techniques used: Neural Network with Mean Squared Error

📌 Example Representation: Matrix Factorization

📜 License

This project is open-source and available under the MIT License.

📧 Contact

For questions, suggestions, or collaborations, reach out via: