About the Challenge • Repository Structure • Solutions • Contributing •
The LeetCode September Challenge is a month-long coding competition featuring a new problem every day. This repository contains my solutions to these challenges. By participating in this event, I aim to enhance my problem-solving skills and explore various algorithms and data structures.
The repository is organized as follows:
: Each day's solutions are stored in separate directories, where X is the day of the month.
Here's a list of the problems I've tackled during the challenge:
- Day 1: Counting Bits: Topic: Bit Manipulation .
- Day 2: Extra Characters in a String: Topic: Dynamic Programming/Tries .
- Day 3: Unique Paths: Topic: Dynamic Programming.
- Day 4: Linked List Cycle : Topic: LinkedList (Floyd Cycle).
- Day 5: Copy List with Random Pointer : Topic: LinkedList
- Day 6: Split Linked List in Parts : Topic: LinkedList
- Day 7: Reverse Linked List II: Topic: LinkedList
- Day 8: Pascal's Triangle: Topic:Arrays,Dynamic Programming
- Day 9: Combination Sum IV: Topic:Arrays,Dynamic Programming
- Day 10: Count All Valid Pickup and Delivery Options: Topic:Math,Dynamic Programming,Combinatorics
- Day 11: Group the People Given the Group Size They Belong To: Topic: Arrays,HashTable
- Day 12:Minimum Deletions to Make Character Frequencies Unique: Topic:String,HashTable
- Day 13:Candy: Topic :Arrays,Dynamic Programming
- Day 14:Reconstruct Itinerary : Topic : Graph,DFS,HashMap
- Day 15: Path With Minimum Effort : Topic : Graph,Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Day 16 : Min Cost to Connect All Points : Topic : MST: Prims's Algorithm
- Day 17 : Shortest Path Visiting All Nodes: Topic : Graph
- Day 18: The K Weakest Rows in a Matrix: Topic:Arrays,Matrix
- Day 19: Find the Duplicate Number: Topic:Binary Search
- Day 20: Minimum Operations to Reduce X to Zero: Topic: Arrays,Sliding Window
- Day 21 : Median of Two Sorted Arrays: Topic : Arrays
- Day 22: Is Subsequence: Topic: String
- Day 23 : Longest String Chain: Topic:Arrays,HashMap,Dynamic-Programming
- Day 24 : Champagne Tower: Topic: Dynamic Programming
- Day 25 : Find the Difference: Topic : String,Bit-Manipulation
- Day 26 : Remove Duplicate Letters: Topic : String,Stack
- Day 27 : Decoded String at Index: Topic : String
- Day 28 : Sort Array By Parity: Topic : Arrays
- Day 29 : Monotonic Array Topic:Array
- Day 30 : 132 Pattern Topic : Stack
Each solution includes detailed explanations, code snippets, and any necessary setup instructions.
Contributions are encouraged! If you have better solutions or suggestions for improving existing solutions, please feel free to open a pull request. Together, we can create an even better resource for the LeetCode community.