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A Toy Web Crawler which crawls over the given domain and lists down the linkages between different webpages and the static assets each page uses via a sitemap (printed in a tree format).

Crawler doesn't crawl external links, only the links belonging to the same domain.


  • Assumes Standard installation of GoLang 1.8.3
  • Tested on amd64 Linux



> make install
> make test
> make build
> ./crawler -depth <Level> -delay <Milliseconds> -output <File> <URL>
> cat <File>
Commandline Flags
Flag Default Description
-depth <Level> 3 Specifies the level of depth till which the crawler should crawl from the given URL
-delay <milliseconds> 0 Specify the politeness delay between each request to the domain
-staticAsset <boolean> true Specify specify whether static assets should be listed on the sitemap or not
-output <file> StdOut Specify the file to which the sitemap needs to be written
-h - Prints the commandline utility usages


> ./crawler -output sitemap.txt
> cat sitemap.txt


> ./crawler -h

Design Decisions

  1. Each URL is fetched by a separate GoRoutine as fetching is an IO intensive operation, hence can leverage GoLang concurrency model to increase performance.
  2. Spawns only runtime.NumCPU() * 3 Worker GoRoutines, to have more control over parallel requests and avoid memory allocation issues when crawling a huge website which might arise if each URL spawned it's own GoRoutine.
  3. Set timeout of 20 seconds in HTTP Client. The default in net/http package is no timeout which can lead to unresponsive behavior.
  4. Used generic interface DataStore which can be implemented later by a persistent/ in-memory data store like SQLite/Redis instead of the LocalStore(Map with Mutex) used right now.
  5. ByteArray to string conversion done using reflect and unsafe packages by changing sliceHeader to stringHeader. In comparison to string(byte[]), this methodology would require no copy of data, hence more performant.
func ByteSliceToString(bArray []byte) string {
	sliceHeader := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&bArray))
	stringHeader := reflect.StringHeader{
		Data: sliceHeader.Data,
		Len:  sliceHeader.Len,
	stringPointer := (*string)(unsafe.Pointer(&stringHeader))
	return *stringPointer
  1. As all requests are to the same domain, added politeness delay by sleeping the goroutine for some random time in a range [time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * time.Duration(rand.Intn(*delay)+*delay/2))] set using -delay <Milliseconds> flag. If nothing specified, then by default no delay is induced.


  1. Set InsecureSkipVerify: true in TLSClientConfig which skips TLS verification as of now.
  2. Cannot parse dynamically generated webpages as of now. Can be done by injecting a javascript engine/ headless chrome object and render dynamic content.
  3. Cannot resolve few URL which eventually resolve to another URL like
    1. being the same as
    2. resolves to and
  4. Lack of Integration Tests.
  5. The User Experience is not great as there is no progress bar showing the status of crawler.
  6. Design not extensible to build a distributed crawler.
  7. Makefile not up to standards, and should add dependency management package like dep. Currently listed all external dependencies in the Makefile.


  1. gotree - Used for printing Sitemap in tree format
  2. goquery - Used for parsing HTML pages
  3. govalidator - Used for validating URL


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