This project aims to explore the company HR data to understand the most paid careers, average salary of each categories and so on .
The main purpose of the analysis :: to answer the following questions to gain a deeper understanding of the data.
- To understand the most paid career?
- What is the average salary of each category?
- How does gender affect the salary of an employee?
- How does race(white/black/Asian...) affect the salary of an employee?
- How does race(white/black/Asian...) affect employee position?
- How does absence affect the salary of an individual?
- What is the most common recruitement source and how does recruitement source affect salary and
? - What is the categorization count for
? - What is the average salary based on department?
- Which state has the most paid salary?
- What is the most common reason for termination?
- What is the most common reason for termination by race?
- What is the most common
? - Which recruitment source give employees with best performance score?
- Which department has the most absenties?
- Which race has the most absenties?
- Which department has the best employee satisfactions?
- Which race has the most satisfied employees?
- What is the employee satisfaction levels for married/single people?
- Which state has the most satisfied employees?
- Which state are you likely to get a job(Position) by category?
- What is the average age of employees in each department?
- Average age by each race?
- What is the average age of each position?
- Data Cleaning :
Remove unwanted columns, delete PII.
- Database Creation
- Writing Scripts to answer defined questions.