Yet one Telegram bot boilerplate
Technology Stack:
- Programming Language: TypeScript
- Web Application Framework: Node.js, Express
- Cloud Deployment: Heroku
- Testing: Mocha, Sinon, NYC
Follow these steps:
- create .env file.
- set up DEBUG env variable, default value is true
- set up TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN env variable, app will not work otherwise
- set up HEROKU_URL only in production
Install dependencies and run start script:
npm i
npm run
Use heroku CLI to create web app:
# Create a new Heroku app with the specified name
heroku create myfirstbot-v3
# Add a Heroku remote to your local Git repository if not set
# This will allow you to deploy your app to Heroku
git remote add heroku
# Set DEBUG env
heroku config:set DEBUG=false --app=myfirstbot-v3
heroku config:set TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN=0000011111:ABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB3333333330 --app=myfirstbot-v3
# Set HEROKU_URL env
heroku config:set HEROKU_URL= --app=myfirstbot-v3
# Deploy your app to Heroku
git push heroku master
# Restart app
heroku restart --app=myfirstbot-v3
Perform commands:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}'