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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

AlpineJS Delayed Magic

An AlpineJS plugin to enhance it with cumulative timed-out callbacks to be executed.

It's very useful when it comes to front-end development where one might forget how many setTimeout()s were performed prior and account for that timing difference. And with this package, you've no-brainer mode enabled! Just $delay(() => console.log('your callback'), 1000) and it would respect all the parent elements' $delay() calls as well as x-delay attributes (that hold time only - all in milliseconds) and basically adding those delays to the 1 second that we have, for our example...


  1. Use your favorite package manager to install the dependency in your TALL project:

    bun add @vpremiss/alpine-delyed-magic
  2. Then initialize the Alpine plugin in your flow JS like this:

    // import { Livewire, Alpine } from '../../../vendor/livewire/livewire/dist/livewire.esm';
    import delayedMagic from '@vpremiss/alpine-delayed-magic';
    // Alpine.start();
    • Remember that you need the custom Alpine/Livewire setup in order to add plugins and such...


  • (Optional): You can add x-delay attributes with milliseconds within them on elements.

  • Use $delay() helper to pass a callback and also a time in milliseconds and let us delay the magical effects for you!

    <div x-init="() => $delay(() => console.log('after 500ms'), 500);">
        <div x-init="() => $delay(() => console.log('after 1500ms'), 1000);"></div>
        <div x-init="() => $delay(() => console.log('after 2500ms'), 2000);">
            <div x-delay="1000">
                    x-init="() => $delay(() => console.log('after 4500ms'), 500);"
                <div x-init="() => $delay(() => console.log('after 2500ms'));"></div>



Support ongoing package maintenance as well as the development of other projects through sponsorship or one-time donations if you prefer.

And may Allah accept your strive; aameen.


This package is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.


والحمد لله رب العالمين