Release v0.1.0
Changelog (recent)
v0.1.0 (2024-10-26)
Switch to dynamic versioning, update package deps and tox file. [Stephen Arnold]
Add sphinx doc build, update tool configs, apply cleanup. [Stephen L Arnold]
- update coverage workflow to latest version
Add initial pre-commit cfg, both hooks and a tox env. [Stephen L Arnold]
Get/set cov data, add pr comment with chg delta message. [Stephen L Arnold]
- new workflow steps, added txt coverage data to badge commit
- adds extra comment msg with coverage delta if data is found
- most of this really needs to be in its own gh-action
Add gitchangelog.rc with adjusted ignore regex. [Stephen L Arnold]
- remove dev: audience markers from ignore_list
- ditch codecov.yml config
Workflow action version bumps and cleanup. [Stephen Arnold]
Silence custom exception warnings, add docstring. [Stephen L Arnold]
- use updated grep pipeline to grab the right coverage digits
Cleanup pylint f-string warnings, remove noredis tox env. [Stephen L Arnold]
Manually cleanup bash-isms in delta msg. [Stephen L Arnold]
Address lint warnings, verify tests and tox cmds. [Stephen L Arnold]
Apply fixes from initial pre-commit run. [Stephen L Arnold]
Correct data path and pick up new fix_pkg_name. [Stephen L Arnold]
Remove error number from connection error test assert. [Stephen L Arnold]
Add service stop commands to test workflows. [Stephen L Arnold]
- stop services in both linux and macos before running tests
- move cover package fix script into tox cov env
Move change-delta logic to bash snippet, set default, sort. [Stephen L Arnold]
Restore not-quite-superfluous import (only used in Exception) [Stephen L Arnold]
Apply black formatting (mostly double-quotes) [Stephen L Arnold]
Set new runtimedir env var in tox (needed for macos) [Stephen L Arnold]
Refactor global funcs and tests, cleanup cfgs, add checks. [Stephen L Arnold]
- add/refactor helper funcs, allow setting sock path via env
- add/refactor (unit) tests for the above
- cleanup config files, remove extras and doctests
- add tox envs for bandit and black
Use proc.join() and Branch Rate, update tool configs. [Stephen L Arnold]
Env.github only lives for one job; too many jobs here :/ [Stephen L Arnold]
- use job outputs, migrate all use to single job
Remove unneeded check job outputs from coverage workflow. [Stephen L Arnold]
Yet-another-workaround for slightly broken xml. [Stephen L Arnold]
Ditch codecov for gh coverage/comment actions. [Stephen L Arnold]
- use instead of pytest-cov (for cobertura output)
- get rid of codecov and use internal gh actions
Avoid deprecated codecov v1 action (use v2) [Stephen L Arnold]
Update and validate codecov.yml syntax. [Stephen L Arnold]
Chg: revert version update for codecov-action. [Stephen L Arnold]
Add tox env for codecov as new default, update readme. [Stephen L Arnold]
make "cov" the default instead of "tests", ie
tox -e py39-cov-linux # for CI
tox -e tests # for humans
Use correct CI chell env and make pep8 review happy. [Stephen L Arnold]
Update redis-ipc-py readme, authors, add python .git* files. [Stephen L Arnold]