44 commits
to master
since this release
MOVES3.0.3 is a patch to MOVES3. It does not substantially change onroad criteria pollutant emission rates in MOVES3 at the County Scale, and it is not considered a new model for State Implementation Plan (SIP) and transportation conformity purposes.
MOVES3.0.3 is recommended for modelers who:
- Have not yet used MOVES3
- Are modeling particulate matter (PM) at Project Scale
- Are modeling methane and other hydrocarbon emissions for light-duty diesel vehicles
- Are modeling hotelling emissions using County Scale with local inputs or using Default Scale for multiple years
- Have encountered security warnings with previous MOVES versions
- Have had problems importing data with previous MOVES versions
A detailed description of the changes in MOVES3.0.3 is available at
A model change bulletin is also maintained at
Please note that the original installer for MOVES3.0.3 was missing required libraries. Modelers who ran MOVES3.0-Setup-20220110.exe will want to run the latest installer, MOVES3.0-Setup-20220113.exe to correct this issue.