October 2023 Deployment
Applies MOVES data updates (along with code config changes to support them).
What's Changed
- Feature/update cf config and gtm events by @courtneymyers in #123
- Feature/apply moves data updates by @courtneymyers in #125
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0
April 2023 Deployment
Updates AVERT to include transportation sector calculations (giving AVERT Web Edition the ability to model electric vehicles), updates the UI to support a wider layout and use USWDS components, applies annual updates to the RDFs and supporting datasets, and applies routine package dependency updates.
What's Changed
- Feature/add ev inputs by @courtneymyers in #40
- Feature/apply one epa wide template and uswds styles by @courtneymyers in #41
- Feature/bump node vesrions by @courtneymyers in #44
- Feature/state select transportation updates by @courtneymyers in #45
- Feature/update public html by @courtneymyers in #46
- Feature/update results layout by @courtneymyers in #47
- Feature/optimize UI for widescreen layout by @courtneymyers in #48
- Feature/populate transportation sector emissions table by @courtneymyers in #49
- Feature/update monthly emissions charts by @courtneymyers in #50
- Feature/update calculations by @courtneymyers in #51
- Feature/update ev inputs UI by @courtneymyers in #52
- Feature/apply logic updates by @courtneymyers in #53
- Feature/update state emissions table by @courtneymyers in #54
- Feature/apply UI and logic updates by @courtneymyers in #55
- Feature/add error boundaries by @courtneymyers in #56
- Feature/update monthly emissions charts by @courtneymyers in #57
- Feature/add eere ev message by @courtneymyers in #58
- Feature/update eere inputs logic by @courtneymyers in #59
- Feature/fix panel footer disabled styles logic by @courtneymyers in #60
- Feature/update transportation calculations by @courtneymyers in #61
- Feature/update download data by @courtneymyers in #62
- Feature/update state emissions table sorting by @courtneymyers in #63
- Feature/update download data by @courtneymyers in #64
- Feature/update monthly emissions charts by @courtneymyers in #65
- Feature/set initial ev model year by @courtneymyers in #66
- Feature/improve transportation calculations performance by @courtneymyers in #67
- Feature/add find my region feature by @courtneymyers in #68
- Feature/update ev warning message logic by @courtneymyers in #69
- Feature/update table components by @courtneymyers in #70
- Feature/apply cross browser updates by @courtneymyers in #71
- Feature/apply UI adjustments by @courtneymyers in #72
- Feature/update google analytics custom events by @courtneymyers in #73
- Feature/fix ev inputs alignment by @courtneymyers in #74
- Feature/update eere equivalent homes text by @courtneymyers in #75
- Feature/update download data by @courtneymyers in #76
- Feature/update eere validation logic by @courtneymyers in #77
- Feature/update transportation data calculations by @courtneymyers in #78
- Feature/update download data by @courtneymyers in #79
- Feature/apply text changes by @courtneymyers in #80
- Feature/apply tooltip updates by @courtneymyers in #81
- Feature/update remaining todos by @courtneymyers in #82
- Feature/update openapi file by @courtneymyers in #83
- Feature/update app version number by @courtneymyers in #84
- Feature/fix daily and monthly stats calculation by @courtneymyers in #85
- Feature/update selected regions states vmt percentages calculation by @courtneymyers in #86
- Feature/update results tables by @courtneymyers in #87
- Feature/update hourly impacts calculation storage by @courtneymyers in #88
- Feature/update energy profile validation by @courtneymyers in #89
- Feature/update hourly ev load calculations by @courtneymyers in #90
- Feature/update transportation calculations by @courtneymyers in #91
- Feature/update transportation calculations by @courtneymyers in #92
- Feature/update state emissions table by @courtneymyers in #93
- Feature/update transportation calculations by @courtneymyers in #95
- Feature/update download data by @courtneymyers in #96
- Feature/apply text changes by @courtneymyers in #97
- Feature/update upper limit validation by @courtneymyers in #98
- Feature/update eere naming by @courtneymyers in #99
- Feature/update ev tables by @courtneymyers in #100
- Feature/update eereev comparison table by @courtneymyers in #101
- Feature/update emissions table number formatting by @courtneymyers in #102
- Feature/update monthly emissions vehicles logic by @courtneymyers in #103
- Feature/apply text changes by @courtneymyers in #104
- Feature/update geography panel by @courtneymyers in #105
- Feature/update impacts panel by @courtneymyers in #106
- Feature/apply feedback edits by @courtneymyers in #107
- Feature/update results impacts inputs by @courtneymyers in #109
- Feature/apply a11y updates by @courtneymyers in #110
- Feature/apply a11y updates by @courtneymyers in #111
- Feature/apply annual updates by @courtneymyers in #114
- Feature/apply package updates by @courtneymyers in #115
- Feature/update annual emission factors json by @courtneymyers in #116
- Feature/apply text changes by @courtneymyers in #117
- Feature/account for EPA stylesheet change by @courtneymyers in #118
- Feature/add transit buses warning dialog by @courtneymyers in #119
- Feature/apply review changes by @courtneymyers in #120
- Feature/apply text updates by @courtneymyers in #121
- Feature/build app for production by @courtneymyers in #122
Full Changelog: v3.2.0...v4.1.0
March 2022 Deployment
Applies annual updates to the RDFs and annual emissions factors datasets, as well as routine package dependency updates.
September 2021 Deployment
Adds VOCs and NH3 to web app's displacement calculations and results screen, includes initial (upcoming) COBRA web app/API integration, and applies package dependency updates.
March Deployment
Primarily includes accessibility improvements, as well as package dependency updates and general code quality/project organization/developer workflow improvements.
August Deployment
Updates user input validation on Set EE/RE Inpacts tab to allow for user inputs to exceed 15% of regional fossil fuel generation in any given hour, but not exceed 30% for any given hour (limit increased from 15–30%).
Also fixes anchor links in webapp to open in parent frame (since app is displayed in an iframe, fixes bug where links would open within that iframe, and not in the parent page's frame).
June Deployment
Update webapp's FIPS code mapping enum file, as 2017 data files no longer spell out 'Saint' in county/city names (i.e. 'Saint Louis' is now 'St. Louis').
May Deployment, V
Change JavaScript polyfill service from to babel-polyfill CDN
May Deployment, IV
Removes Redis from web service app, and polling for data from web app, and returns displacement data directly for each pollutant.