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R code and datasets related to the mapping of USC research to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)


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USC Sustainability Research Finder


This Sustainability Resesarch Finder is a R Shiny dashboard that displays the results of mapping USC affiliated research products to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Furthermore, each product is categorized as sustainability focused, sustainability inclusive, SDG related, or not related. The results are used for the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) and for metrics used in USC’s Assignment Earth Goals 2.1 and Inclusion goal 3.3.

This project was initiated during the 2022 Fall CKIDS Datafest at USC by Dr. Julie Hopper in the Office of Sustainability and five USC students: Alison Chen, Aurora Massari, Bhavya Ramani, Ric Xian and Xinyi Zhang. Feedback was provided by the USC PWG Research Committee and incorporated by Dr. Julie Hopper and Alison Chen, with the majority of the data processing pipelines and dashboard code implemented by Alison Chen, a recent Masters student graduate from Viterbi School of Engineering.



  1. Clone this repository to open, view, and edit all the files in this repository on your computer (locally).
  2. Download the complete data files and put the files into the corresponding folders.
  3. Open RStudio and click on the Project button in RStudio in the top right to open the project file Dashboard.Rproj. This will automatically set the working directory as the project directory.
# check working directory

In addition, many packages are used throughout this project which only need to be installed once:

# install dplyr package

Then load the package to access the functions:

# load dplyr package
List of packages that need to be installed before running the shiny app


To run the shiny app, open the app.R file in RStudio and click Run App.

To update keywords and/or context dependencies, add the new files to data_raw/. In scripts_2023/08_run_text2sdg.R, updated the file names in the two read.csv() functions. Then run 08_run_text2sdg.R and all the following scripts (09, 10, etc.).

To add new publications from Scopus, add the new file to data_raw/ and then in scripts_2023/01_read_data.R, read the file and bind the new data with all the other publications. Run all the files in scripts_2023/.

This README is a RMarkdown GitHub document. To update the README, open and edit the README.Rmd file in RStudio. Then click Knit to generate the new file. Upload/commit both files to GitHub.

Folder Structure

  • Dashboard/ contains all the code from processing the raw data to creating the Shiny dashboard
    • data_raw/ contains all the raw data (publications, keywords)
    • data_processed/ contains all the data generated by R scripts
    • data_manual/ contains all the data that was manually edited
    • scripts_2020/ contains all code for processing 2020-22 data
    • scripts_2023/ contains all code for processing 2023 data
    • shiny_app/ contains the code for the R Shiny dashboard
    • STARS/ contains the code used to generate summaries for STARS report
  • docs/ is the code for the website created for CKIDS Datafest 2022
  • README_files/ contains all the images used in this README



  • Publication data was downloaded from Scopus with the help of Xinyi Zhang.
    How we downloaded the data from Scopus
    1. Go to and log in via institution by clicking the building icon in the top right.
    2. Search in Organization “University of Southern California”.
    3. Click the number of documents.
    4. Double check the search query by clicking edit.
    5. Select all documents and export (not download) as CSV. Include all Citation Information, Affiliations, Publisher, and all Abstract & Keywords. Tip: download year by year since there is a limit to the number of documents you can export at one time.
    6. To view the downloaded csv file in Excel, open Excel, go to the Data Tab \> Get Data \> From File \> From Text/CSV, select the csv and load. However, we recommend not editing the csv in excel since we ran into issues where the special characters in the data got messed up.
  • Additional publications from the Gould School of Law were provided with the help of Amber Kennedy Madole.
    How we added publications outside of Scopus
    • Create a Google Sheet with the following columns: Publication Type, Author Name (Last, First), Division, Department, authorID, Title, Abstract, Link, Year, Source Title, Volume, Issue, Article Number, Page start, Page end, Page count, DOI, Open Access.
    • Each row is one author with one publication.
    • Manually assign authorIDs by searching the author in the existing dataset and/or searching on Scopus. If the author does not exist, assign an arbitrary id such as Gould10.
  • Keyword list, created in collaboration with the Presidential Working Group (PWG), is a list of words relevant to each of the 17 SDGs. The list is continuously being improved to improve accuracy.
  • Context dependency list created by Julie Hopper is used to replace certain phrases to prevent them from being miscategorized by keyword mapping. For example, in “advertising ecosystem” the word ecosystem is replaced with the word domain since ecosystem in this context does not mean the same as ecosystem for SDG 15 Life on Land. Furthermore, some of the entries use regular expressions such as “laws? of nature” and “international trade (\w[ \w]*){1,3} environment”.
  • USC department and division list is a list of departments, centers, and institutes and which divison (school) they belong to at USC.

Processing the Data

scripts_2020/ contains to code for processing 2020-22 publications. However, it is not feasible to rerun all the code every time there are new publications. As a result, scripts_2023/ contains code for processing new publications. Both sets of scripts have the same idea overall.

2020-22 data

  1. Read Data

First, in scripts_2020/01_read_data.R, we combine all the Scopus publication data into one file. We also arbitrarily assign a pubID to each publication. We only keep publications with specific year (2020-22) and document type (article, conference paper, review, editorial, data paper, book chapter, book, short survey). The combined data is the publication file.

  1. Identify USC authors

Next, in scripts_2020/02_identify_usc_authors.R, we want to identify the USC authors in the publication data by parsing the Authors with affiliations column. However, when separating the Authors with affiliations column using semicolons, sometimes it does not have the same number of entries as the Authors ID column. Furthermore, sometimes the affiliation for each author has multiple schools and is the same for all the authors of the publication. As a result, for the publications that are incorrectly formatted, we searched ten authorIDs (first nine and last one) up on Scopus via Elsevier API.

Using Elsevier API Prerequisites
  1. Create developer account at
  2. Create an API key
  3. Email support for an institution token
Setting up the API key
  1. Create a .Renviron file with

*Don’t add the .Renviron file to GitHub!

Using the API

elsevier_api_key <- Sys.getenv("Elsevier_API")
institution_token <- Sys.getenv("Institution_Token")
api_res = get_complete_author_info(au_id = 10042103300, count = 1, headers = c("X-ELS-Insttoken" = institution_token, "X-ELS-APIKey" = elsevier_api_key))

Using all the author data, we created two files: author and bridge. The author file contains all the information about an author such as authorID and name. The bridge file contains authorID and pubID pairs where the pair exists if the person was an author of the publication. The bridge file connects the author file to the publication file.

Next, we determined which division and department each author belongs to. We created a spreadsheet with a list of all the departments and divisions at USC based on the school’s website and the Author with Affiliations column. The spreadsheet has three columns: Division, Department, and Department Pattern. The Department Pattern column contains regular expressions that are used to detect the respective department. When using the pattern column, make all the text lowercase or set = TRUE in grep since there are typos that are not always detected.

Some of authors have different authorIDs but are actually the same person, so we automatically combined some USC authors. Ignoring the authors with no department or division, we combined the authors that had the same first name, last name, department and division. We also combined authors that had the same first name, last name, and with one or more department overlap. Then, we created a spreadsheet of authors still with the same first and last name. Xinyi and Alison manually checked the file to identify the authorIDs that were indeed the same person. For every combination of authorID, there is an old authorID and a new authorID. We used a named vector as a dictionary to map old authorIDs to new authorIDs where the name of the vector is the old authorID. The old authorID can be checked by oldID %in% names(dict) and accessed by dict[oldID]. Finally, we made some manual fixes for duplicate entries that we noticed.

  1. Get USC author info

Some authors do not have a department since their affiliation lacks information. As a result, we searched up all the authors without a department in the USC directory search using RCurl and RJSONIO. We searched by first and last name and looked through faculty and staff before students. However, if the result is a person in a different division, we did not include the information. Since the departments and divisions are written differently than my list of departments and divisions, we had to fix a lot of division names and rematch the departments to the department patterns.

To run the code in scripts_2020/03_get_usc_author_info.R, create a “uscdirectory.cookie” file.

Where to Find the Cookie
  1. Using Chrome, go to USC directory search.
  2. Right click on the page and select Inspect.
  3. In the panel, select Network.
  4. Search Julie Hopper in the USC Directory Search bar.
  5. Find the entry in the network where the Request URL looks like
  6. Scroll down to the Request Headers section and copy the cookie to your uscdirectory.cookie file.
  1. Create departments and divisions table

The department and division columns each hold multiple entries. The goal of scripts_2020/04_create_dept_div.R is to match each department with the correct division and have one department and division in each row. The directory search created a lot of new departments which needed to be renamed.

  1. Add law publications

For the Gould School of Law, we had an additional list of publications since not every publication is on Scopus. However, some publications are on Scopus so we excluded those that were duplicates based on the title and year. In the law publication spreadsheet, we manually assigned the authors an authorID by searching for their name in the existing data. If they were not found, we assigned them an ID in the format Gould#. In scripts_2020/05_add_law_pubs.R, we used the law publication spreadsheet to create columns needed to create three files: author, bridge, and publication.

  1. Fix authors manually when we notice errors

Over time, we noticed duplicate authors that were not combined, so we tracked all the changes in scripts_2020/07_fix_authors.R. For each combination, we would remove the entry from the author file and replace the old authorID with the new authorID in the bridge file as shown below.

# Gould1 -> 57657883900 for Jody Armour
usc_authors <- usc_authors[-which(usc_authors$authorID == "Gould1"),]
usc_bridge$authorID[which(usc_bridge$authorID == "Gould1")] <- 57657883900
  1. Fix authors based on spreadsheet

There were some authors with the same first and last name but different departments and divisions, so Julie Hopper helped check them. Then in scripts_2020/08_fix_authors.R the authorIDs were combined using the same method as step 2 (scripts_2020/02_identify_usc_authors.R) using a dictionary to map old authorIDs to new authorIDs and updating the author and bridge file.

  1. Fix departments

There were still too many departments with mistakes so Julie Hopper manually fixed them. In addition, we incorporated more METRANS affiliated researchers in scripts_2020/09_fix_dept.R.

  1. Past authorIDs

Throughout this process, multiple authorIDs were combined together, but old authorIDs were simply replaced with new authorIDs and the history was not saved. There should have been a column filled with previous authorIDs. As a result, we went through all the scripts to save all the dictionaries used to map old authorIDs to new authorIDs and combined them into one file in scripts_2020/14_past_authorIDs.R. This information will be useful when new publications are added and old authorIDs show up.

2023 data

  1. Read data

Similar to reading 2020-22 data, we combined all publication data: old 2020-22 data, missing publications from 2020-22, and new 2023 data. Some publications got updated information, so we only kept the most recent one. We also removed all documents of type retracted, letter, note and erratum and only kept publications with years 2020-23. We continued to arbitrarily assign pubIDs to the new publications. The combined data is the publication data.

  1. Identify USC authors

Next, we want to identify USC authors in the new data. Most of the code in scripts_2023/02_identify_usc_authors.R was based on scripts_2020/02_identify_usc_authors.R with some improvements. When the authors with affiliation column does not match up with the author name column, we used the last name to find the affiliation that starts with the same lastname. The bridge table is generated using the pubID and authorID columns.

  1. Identify USC departments and divisions

Next, we want to identify the departments and divisions each author belongs to. The code for this in scripts_2023/03_identify_usc_dept_div.R is a combination of scripts_2020/03_get_usc_author_info.R, scripts_2020/04_create_dept_div.R, and scripts_2020/09_fix_dept.R. First, we used regular expressions to match each author’s affiliations with the list of USC departments and list of USC divisions to create a column of departments and divisions for each author. Then, we separated the departments and divisions such that for each row, there is only one department with its corresponding division for one author. Finally, we did the same department fixes and METRANS additions as for the 2020 data.

In addition, for authors that already exist, we combined the author IDs that were previously combined based on the past authorID file generated by scripts_2020/14_past_authorIDs.R.

The result is an author file and an updated bridge file.

  1. Combine with 2020 data

Next, we want to combine the 2023 author and bridge files with the old author and bridge files. When combining the author data, we want to keep the first entry but still have the affiliation information. Also, we removed duplicates in the bridge file.

  1. Add law publications

scripts_2023/05_add_law_pubs.R is almost exactly the same as scripts_2020/05_add_law_pubs.R for adding new law publications. We have a new spreadsheet of law publications to add. We removed law publications that already exist in our dataset, manually assigned authorIDs in the spreadsheet, assigned pubIDs to the new law publications, and created columns to match the existing author, bridge, and publication files. In addition, all law departments are labeled as Law.

  1. Combine authors

Next we need to combine authors that have multiple ids. The code for this in scripts_2023/06_combine_authors.R is based on scripts_2020/02_identify_usc_authors.R. We combined authors with the same First Last name, department, and division. We kept the authorID that had more publications. We continued to make dictionaries with named vectors to map old authorIDs to new authorIDs. We also combined authors with the same first name, last name, department, and division, but excluded the middle name/initial. Finally, for authors with only one letter as first name, we combined the authors with the same first letter, last name, department, and division. This was manually double checked by Xinyi Zhang since sometimes the first letter is a little too general. All of the combining was done using lowercase names since there were some entries that were all in uppercase and some names were capitalized differently.

  1. Manually edit authors

There are still authors that are missed, so in scripts_2023/07_manual_edit_authors.R, we combined authorIDs manually whenever we notice them.

Mapping the Data

In scripts_2023/08_run_text2sdg.R, we mapped the data to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) using text2sdg’s detect_any() function, which requires text and a system. The text is the title, abstract, author keywords, and indexed keywords, while the system is the keyword list created with the help of the Presidential Working Group converted to a three column format: system name, SDG, and query. All of the text and keywords are converted to lowercase and do not have punctuation to make mapping better. Additional symbols in the keyword list are removed to prevent errors. Furthermore, some phrases in the text are substituted based on the context dependencies list.

Next we run detect_any() using our keyword system. detect_any() will only count a keyword once. The output from detect_any() is a dataframe with columns: document, sdg, system, query_id, features, hit. The important columns are document, sdg, and features. The document number corresponds to the row number of the input dataframe. SDG got changed into ‘SDG-01’ not 1. Features that are made up of multiple words get split by commas in this column, so they are glued back together. If a publications gets mapped to multiple SDGs it will show up multiple rows in the dataframe. For a document to count as an SDG, we require the document to have at least two or more keywords related to that SDG. Furthermore, we use pluralize’s singluarize() function to count school and schools as one keyword. (The singularize() function is not 100% accurate.)

Using the mapped results, we then label each publication as Sustainability-Focused, Sustainability-Inclusive, SDG-Related, and Not Related.

  • If a publication maps to one or more environmental SDG (6, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15) AND one or more social/economic SDG (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17), then it is Sustainability-Focused.
  • If a publication maps to more than 2 SDGs, then it is Sustainability-Inclusive.
  • If a publication maps to exactly 1 SDG, then it is SDG-Related.
  • If a publication does not map to any SDG, then it is Not Related.

In addition, we did a manual review of the results and corrected some of the sustainability categories in scripts_2023/09_manual_category_fix.R.

Processed Data Schema

With all the data processed, below is a visual representation of the relationships between the input files for the shiny app. The files are separate since joining them all together creates a huge file. It is possible to put the data in a SQLite database using the DBI and RSQLite packages. However, the resulting .db file still takes up the same amount of space as three separate csv files.

ER Diagram

ER Diagram

Creating Elements for Shiny App

To make the shiny app run a little faster, we generated some data outside the shiny app script.

Sustainability Research in Los Angeles

This data processing component relates to obtaining metrics for the second part of USC’s Assignment Earth Goal 3.3: “By June 2023, develop a comprehensive catalog of the sustainability research and programs at USC that work with local communities disproportionately impacted by environmental disruptions and risk exposures, measured by document review and other measures.”

To obtain these metrics, we used the map research data to look at sustainability focused and inclusive publications and used a list of keywords to identify publications that are related to local Los Angeles communities that are disproportionately impacted by environmental disruptions and risk exposures. In addition, we ordered the publications such that publications with specific keywords show up at the top, then sustainability focused, then inclusive publications. The code can be found in scripts_2023/10_dei.R.


In scripts_2023/11_wordcloud.R, we generated one wordcloud for each SDG based on the keywords (features from text2sdg’s detect_any() output) that were found in the data. Generated images are saved in shiny_app/www/.

Stacked Bar Chart Data

scripts_2023/12_stacked_bar_chart_data.R is an example of doing calculations outside of the shiny app so that loading the graphs is faster in the shiny app. We read in all the data, summarize to get the data we want displayed in the bar charts, and save the csv files in shiny_app/.

Shiny App

The main file for the shiny app is shiny_app/app.R. The www/ folder is expected by a Shiny application to contain images and stylesheets. The data needed to run the shiny app is located on Google Drive since the files are too big to store on GitHub.

Our dashboard is hosted on the web with Also, we did some load testing using Python Locust.


This project was initially inspired by Carnegie Mellon’s work on mapping its courses to the 17 UN SDGs. For more information, please read about our initial collaboration with Alex Hinicker and Peter Wu in our Sustainability Course Finder Github Repository. This project has been improved by feedback from many students, staff and faculty in USC’s Office of Sustainability and in USC’s Presidential Working Group on Sustainability in Research. In particular, we would like to recognize the following people for their contributions to the development of this project, and the data and code: Alison Chen, Amber Madole, Aurora Massari, Bhavya Ramani, Brian Tinsley, Julie Hopper, Ric Xian, and Xinyi Zhang.


If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reach out to Alison Chen [email protected] or Julie Hopper [email protected]


R code and datasets related to the mapping of USC research to the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)








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