MyTardis app for CMM datagrabber integration.
This app defines plugin classes and Filters:
The DataGrabberFilter class is an ingestion filter that extracts Dataset and Datafile metadata from a datagrabber ".admin" file. There are no custom arguments for this filter.
The source_path function is an organization mapper function that uses the 'instrument_pathname' parameter of a Datafile as the basis for the archive pathname. This takes the following optional keyword arguents:
- The 'excludePatterns' argument gives a list of regex patterns.
If the Datafile's instrument_path matches one of these patterns, it is filtered out. - The 'stripPrefix' argument gives a prefix that should be stripped from the pathnames.
- If the 'windowsPath' argument is True, the instrument_pathname value is massaged to convert '' to '/' before filtering and prefix stripping.
- The 'excludePatterns' argument gives a list of regex patterns.