A simple shiny application for visualising FAOSTAT trade matrices. Work in progress.
Application is a standalone and is shipped with required data files.
You need to have up-to-date version of R installed in any operating system. RStudio IDE makes things easier, but is not required.
Then you need few dependencies tha can be installed running the script below in R:
PACKAGES <- c("dplyr","tidyr","ggplot2","scales","grid","maptools",
# Install packages
inst <- match(PACKAGES, .packages(all=TRUE))
need <- which(is.na(inst))
if (length(need) > 0) install.packages(PACKAGES[need])
# Load packages
lapply(PACKAGES, require, character.only=T)
If you have git installed you can do
git clone [email protected]:UNFAOstatistics/trade_matrix.git
And then change (working)directory to trade_matrix
folder and run runApp()
If you don't have git, you can just download the zipfile, unzip and change (working)directory where the files are and run runApp()
License: GPL (>= 2) + file LICENSE