A demo of using markdown with version control for writing academic papers
Rmd. source here:
md. source is here:
To see different formats rendered click the links from below:
- pdf: https://github.com/UNFAOstatistics/faosyb_paper/raw/master/faosyb_paper.pdf
- html: http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://raw.githubusercontent.com/UNFAOstatistics/faosyb_paper/master/faosyb_paper.html
- Word: https://github.com/UNFAOstatistics/faosyb_paper/raw/master/faosyb_paper.docx
- Libreoffice: https://github.com/UNFAOstatistics/faosyb_paper/raw/master/faosyb_paper.odt
To set up your software environment look at: https://github.com/digieast/digicoffee/blob/master/methods_tools.md
This has been tested in using pandoc 1.13.2 version in Windows 7 and Ubuntu linux 12.04
Use following scripts to convert slides into desired format
knit the
In R with commandknitr::knit("faosyb_paper.Rmd")
Then convert the faosyb_paper.md in terminal using
- pdf:
pandoc -r markdown+simple_tables+table_captions+yaml_metadata_block -s -S --latex-engine=pdflatex --template=faosyb.pdf.template --filter pandoc-citeproc --toc --number-section --toc-depth=2 faosyb_paper.md -o faosyb_paper.pdf
- html:
pandoc -r markdown+simple_tables+table_captions+yaml_metadata_block -w html -s -S --template=faosyb.html.template -H faosyb.css --filter pandoc-citeproc --number-section --toc faosyb_paper.md -o faosyb_paper.html
- docx:
pandoc --toc --number-section faosyb_paper.md -o faosyb_paper.docx
- odt:
pandoc --toc --number-section faosyb_paper.md -o faosyb_paper.odt
For converting the slides.md
- reveal.js html:
pandoc -t revealjs -s slides.md -o slides.html -V revealjs-url=http://lab.hakim.se/reveal-js -V theme=simple -V transition=fade
- pdf:
pandoc -t beamer slides.md -o slides.pdf