The Git repository for the UMUAS (2023/2024) | Currently run by: Daniel Markuza
- Detect landing pad -> orange hexagon
- OpenCV
- Objectives:
- Order the landing pad
- Work session building model
- Producing datasets to train the model
- Configure Jetson Nano
- Override Network Files (to be able to connect to the local host)
- Set up training model on Jetson Nano
- Connect FPV cameras
- Once done, create proper path to actually land at a landing pad (4 levels of difficulty)
- Detect loss of connection with GCS
- Land "safely"
- Least damage possible
- Not hurting anyone
- Integrate Python into C
- Set up switch between autopilot and normal pilot
- Pixhawk 4
- QGroundControl
- Complete lap algorithm for task 1
- PID Tuning:
- Adjust 3 variables for drone to fly and work properly
- Variables in auto pilot code
- Object Detection:
- Build the initial model
- Produce datasets
- Train model
- Flight Termination
- Figure out how to detect loss of connection
- Set up switch between the pilot and the autopilot
- Talk with GCS about the button to switch between modes
- Get started on figuring out how to get to drone to land safely
- Iteration 1 revisions:
Communicate what we want changedRevise deadlines
- Object Detection:
- Negative images (ranging from super off to simialr to pad) - Kfir (Wednesday 13th)
- Breaking videos into frames - Toni, Daniel (Saturday 9)
- Generate dataset with area for the model focus on (manually or OpenCV) - Workshop (Saturday 9)
- Build the model - Workshop (Wednesday, March 13th)
- Flight Termination:
- Establish and allow connections on the drone - Workshop
- Detect loss of connection with GCS - Workshop
- Detect Critical Failure on drone - Workshop
- Iteration 2 revisions:
- Communicate what we want changed
- Revise deadlines
- Object Detection:
- Path algorithm for task 2
- set up hardware to work with software
- FPV cameras from drone working with software
- Set it up on CPU on board the drone
- Flight Termination:
- Run simulation
- Land safely
- find a safe location to "crash"
- Just land (Systems intact just lost connection)
- Fail safe
- Algorithm for task 1:
- Determine how many laps are possible (battery power, and etc.)
- Algorithm for task 1:
- PID Tunning
- Final testing
- Make sure object detection model works with drone
- Make sure algorithms work with drones
- Make flight termination system