This AWS Lambda function is part of Mapping Prejudice's Deed Machine application. This component receives a TIF or JPEG file and creates a scaled-down, web-friendly JPEG with a watermark on it for public transcription using the Pillow library. The output filename includes a randomized UUID suffix to deter scraping, since this image's permissions will be set to publicly viewable. This is the third Lambda in the Deed Machine initial processing Step Function.
The Deed Machine is a multi-language set of tools that use OCR and crowdsourced transcription to identify racially restrictive covenant language, then map the results.
The Lambda components of the Deed Machine are built using Amazon's Serverless Application Model (SAM) and the AWS SAM CLI tool.
- License
- Component documentation
- Documentation home
- Downloadable Racial covenants data
- Mapping Prejudice main site
- Pipenv (Can use other virtual environments, but will require fiddling on your part)
- Docker
- Python 3
To build the application:
pipenv install
pipenv shell
sam build
To rebuild and deploy the application:
sam build && sam deploy
Example with non-default aws profile:
sam build && sam deploy --profile contracosta --config-env contracosta
To run tests: