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University of Michigan Fencing Club Website

This is the new (first deployed July 2016) website for the University of Michigan Fencing Club. It is a static site generated by Hugo and uses the club-theme (now included in this repository as of August 2022) as a theme.

This compiled site is available at


The previous version of this site, which heavily influenced the aesthetics of this site, was difficult to edit and update due to being made without a static site generator. This new website is much easier to edit, thanks to Hugo's templating functionality, and this means updating the roster and adding results, for example, won't be such a painful process in the future.


Download this repository:

$ git clone [email protected]:UM-Fencing/UMFC-website

or using HTTPS:

$ git clone

You should also install Hugo if you have not already done so!


To update the site's content, edit (or create) the files available in content/. Use Markdown where possible and HTML when necessary. (Remember, writing HTML in Markdown files is OK!) Sentences should be separated by line breaks for git's sake.

Images should be contained in static/img/ and can be referenced from non-index files with ../img/<filename>. (From, refer to images as img/<filename>.)

To change site-wide features (e.g., default jumbotron image, practice times, site title), edit config.toml.


After making changes, testing, and committing, simply git push to the master branch of the repository. The website will automatically be deployed through GitHub Actions. All generated website content is available on the gh-pages branch of the repository. Please note that deploying the website may take a few minutes.

Periodical Webmaster Tasks

At the beginning of each school year

  • Create a new results page for the year
  • Update the officer, captain, and other positions lists on the contact page
  • Update the coach list on the roster page if needed
  • Update the suggestions box link and survey on the contact page

At the beginning of each semester

  • Update the roster (including captains)
  • Update practice times and days on the home page

At the beginning of each calendar year

  • Update the copyright year

Throughout the year

  • Update the results page with competition results
  • Ensure that the Instagram widget is still working, and update the token if needed
  • Update the alerts on the home page for events such as Giving Blue Day, nationals results, etc.