🖥 Video showcasing the functionality of the App: https://youtu.be/giDgkB1qAO0
* 💵 Tracks & Observes the price & pricechange of BTC, ETH & LTC using the https://apiv2.bitcoinaverage.com API
* 📈 Draws a pricechart that can be adjusted to daily/monthly/alltime settings
* 📊 Calculates the 1D RSI
* 🧠Assesses the current Twitter Sentiment of given projects using CoreML
* 📈 Draws a pricechart that can be adjusted to daily/monthly/alltime settings
* 📊 Calculates the 1D RSI
* 🧠Assesses the current Twitter Sentiment of given projects using CoreML
Git clone & copy the 📄 Xcodefile Swifter from https://github.com/mattdonnelly/Swifter at the top directory of your folder structure - Done!