Available by the next base URL:
GET /points/:userId
- returns calculated stats for a user by it's ID; Bearer token of the user is required;
POST /points
- calculates new stats by taking into account points
from the request and points
from the so-called base file; Bearer token of the user is required;
POST /new-user
- adds new user to the system. Data must be provided in request body, in the next format:
"name": "Arya",
"password": "winter",
"role": "user"
All fields are required. At the moment 2 roles are supported:
New user with role user
may be added as is. For new admin - Bearer token of an exsisting admin is required.
POST /login
- log in via Basic auth using previousy username
and password
POST /logout
- processes received Bearer token to log out
At the moment general approach is next.
By POST /points
service receives points data that must be provided in an array of objects with the next structure:
"rate": 0.8154823075825571,
"timestamp": 1616761300265
Points from the base file are being shifted to the amount of recieved points and new points are being placed at the beginnig of the collection from the file.