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VoteTracker+ (VTP or VoteTrackerPlus) is a 100% open software vote tracking system that increases the security, accuracy, and trustworthiness of paper ballot based elections by cryptographically and anonymously tracking the votes associated with paper ballots, supplying real E2EV for voters and election officials. VTP is a software only product comprised of backoffice plugins with voter and election official facing frontoffice components. VTP can leverage existing election hardware infrastructure to the extent that the OEM manufacturers allow and support the installation of the VTP plugins.

Note - the latest work may be available from this fork

Read the pitch, ask for a live demo, or run your own live demo on your own Apple or Linux desktop.

To run your own CLI based demo, see the VTP-dev-env git repo. That repo includes this repo and the latest mock election repo as git submodules. That repo also includes a Makefile with the necessary commands to clone everything and run a mock VTP election, including manually casting ballots in parallel with N simulated in-person voting center VTP ballot scanners and one VTP ballot server. See the src/vtp/ file for more details. Note - the live demo actually includes a complete election, from limited JSON data only blank ballots (no description, language, or printing) to full tallies of the contests.

1) Overview

VoteTracker+ is a distributed, open-source vote and Cast Vote Record (CVR) integrity and tracking system to support public elections. It enables verifiable, accurate, secure and transparent elections with a complete End-to-End Verifiable (E2EV) solution - see docs/ VoteTracker+ maximizes the transparency and trust of an election throughout the election process by:

  • allowing each voter to verify that their ballot is electronically cast, collected, and counted as intended
  • allowing each voter and all election officials to verify the tally of all the ballot questions
  • allowing each voter to inspect their neighborhood for fraudulent voters and/or addresses
  • allowing each voter and all election officials to inspect all the voter names and addresses across the entire electorate for possible voter and ballot fraud
  • cryptographically associating the anonymous paper ballots with the anonymous VoteTracker+ digital copies, insuring that neither set is tampered or fraudulently altered as well as supplying a third copy directly to the voter themselves, thus creating 3 separate copies of the anonymous but cryptographically signed ballot data

VoteTracker+ is an open source distributed database/repository and application that supports:

  • full End-to-End validation (E2EV) of the paper and digital ballots - see docs/ for more details
  • storing all the digitally interpreted scans of the paper ballots in a secure and anonymous manner
  • executing the tally of all the races via 100% open source software contained within the same repositories as the ballot data
  • creating blank ballots as a function of address
  • (Aspirationally) storing the address and name of all the voters who cast a ballot without the association of any other information - the ballots are 100% anonymous
    • Ideally, if there is a previous election, VoteTracker+ would track the voter's name and address across elections allowing greater insight and transparency into potential voter and election fraud

VoteTracker+ is NOT a:

  • voter ID solution
  • voter registration solution
  • ballot scanner nor contains ballot scanning software - VoteTracker+ receives the interpreted ballot from the ballot scanner, which could be a traditional mechanical scanner, smart phone application, or manually from an election official
  • replacement for paper ballots - VoteTracker+ requires the balloting process to start and end with a paper ballot

2) 10,000 Foot Overview

The VTP root repo (this repo) is meant to be directly integrated via a git submodule with a VTP ElectionData directory tree which is comprised of one or more git submodules (though as of this writing and stage of agile software development, an OS level symbolic-link is typically used instead). An VTP ElectionData tree is a directory tree that componentizes the backend election configuration data into separate GGOs (Geopolitical Geographical Overlays - NIST calls this a geopolitical unit). Each GGO can have is its own RBAC authority or share another GGO's RBAC. Independent of the GGO components the ElectionData tree supports arbitrary git submodule componentization which ultimately allows a Voting Center to operate completely disconnected from an external computer network.

A sample mock ElectionData repo can be found at VTP-mock-election.US.10.

A diagram representing the high level in-person voter experience is located here (Google Drive).

A diagram representing the high level mail-in ballot workflow is located here (Google Drive).

3) Additional Details

For a more detailed overview, see the file ./docs/ in this git repo. The docs folder also contains the current pitch as well as an informal security description. There is a high level scurity threat model located at VoteTracker+ Threat Model Mind Map. See docs/ for more examples of the current basic command line interface.

VoteTracker+ is intended to be compliant to the sensible extent possible NIST's voting efforts. With funding the intent is to be compiant with NIST's Special Publication 1500-100, Election Results Reporting Common Data Format Specification Revision 2.

VoteTracker+ will attempt to leverage as much code and prior art as possible. There are several possible alternatives for standing up a pilot; if you have suggestions please get in touch.

4) Other Voting Solutions

The following is a short and incomplete list of other voting projects that are of relevance:

The differences between VoteTracker+ and blockchain and other encrypt-the-data-at-rest solutions such as ElectionGuard are particularly and important to note.

Regarding blockchain solutions, blockchains have as a fundemental design goal the existance of private keys that conver private ownership. This is the opposite of a basic principle of public voting - the absense of ownership of the ballot. The ballots of public elections need to remain anonymous. In addition that are ownership questions of who actually owns the blockchain and what can happen to the blockchain when there is collusion of a majority of the minors - when a major of the minors do not like the outcome of an election.

Regarding ElectionGuard, ElectionGuard is based on the paper Simple Verifiable Elections. Such solutions are based on independently encrypting the individual CVR's of the ballot (encrypting the ballot data at rest) and with the necessary inclusion of a Device Challenge implementation to add a layer of trust for the voting machines that perform the encrypting. VTP is less complex in that the CVR's are never encrypted and as such no Benaloh Challenge is required. Voters get direct access to the real and final per contest CVR digests as the CVRs need not be encrypted since the voter's CVR's are effectively anonymized amongst 99 other sets of contest CVRs. No encryption / decryption is required for the VTP data-at-rest portion even while significant encryption occurs in the VTP data-in-movement portion much like today's commercial/military grade encrypted network connections.

In addition ElectionGuard is not based on a Merkle Tree. VTP adds a significant layer of security and trustworthiness via a Merkle Tree implementation in that the entire change history is stored in the public Merkle Tree ledger. However, unlike cryptocurrencies which are also Merkle Tree based but which are also based on blockchain technology, VTP is not based on blockchain technology and contains no blockchain implementation/code. This again results in VTP being less complex than blockchain solutions while also not subject to the significant issues that blockchains implementations have with voter and ballot anonymity.

Finally, unlike the ElectionGuard and blockchain voting implementations, VTP is anonymized in time both in an absolute sense as the ballot data contains no date-time information and via the Merkle Tree chain itself as the CVRs are randomized in linkage order.

For more information contact Sandy Currier at: sandy at osetinstitute dot org

5) Development

See the src/vtp/ for notes regarding running and writing code.

6) Status - 2022/07/19

VoteTracker+ is currently in the early design phase with a downloadable CLI demo. The current priorities are:

  • Technical peer reviews
  • Recruiting contributing developers and UX designers, specifically a javascript engineer to provide a GUI demo support
  • Funding

Crowdfunding is also possible - a preliminary project video is available at

VoteTracker+ is currently using GitHub's beta project planning for developers for the VoteTracker+ Project Plan. The project pages are currently private - get involved or join the team to gain access to it. :-)