Package to process TriOS-like radiometer data for various acquisition protocols:
- Above-Water Radiometry (awr): Rrs (sr-1)
- In-Water Radiometry (iwr): Rrs (sr-1), Kd (m-1), KLu (m-1)
- Surface-Water Radiometry (swr): Rrs (sr-1)
This package also contains tools for interactive visualization of the radiometric data: trios_visual
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
python3 -m pip install --user --upgrade setuptools
First, clone the repository and execute the following command in the local copy:
python3 install
This will install the package into the system's Python path. If you have not the administrator rights, you can install the package as follows:
python3 install --user
If another destination directory is preferred, it can be set by
python3 install --prefix=<where-to-install>
This installation is supposed to download
and compile all the associated packages as well as prepare the executables trios_processing
and trios_visual
If the installation is successful, you should have:
$ trios_processing
trios_processing <input_dir> <IDpr> <measurement_type> --lat <lat> --lon <lon> [--altitude=alt] [--ofile <ofile>] [--odir <odir>] [--plot] [--figdir <figdir>] [--name <name>] [--method <method>] [--no_clobber]
trios_processing -h | --help
trios_processing -v | --version
- For
trios_processing ./test/data/ 150 awr --lat 42.30351823 --lon 9.462897398 --odir ./test/results --no_clobber
trios_processing ./test/data/ 150 awr --lat 42.30351823 --lon 9.462897398 --odir ./test/results --method M99 --name _M99 --plot --figdir ./test/fig
trios_processing ./test/data/ 150 awr --lat 42.30351823 --lon 9.462897398 --odir ./test/results --method osoaa --name _osoaa --plot --figdir ./test/fig
trios_processing ./test/data/ 150 awr --lat 42.30351823 --lon 9.462897398 --odir ./test/results --method osoaa --ws 5 --aot=0.2 --name _osoaaws5_aot0.1 --plot --figdir ./test/fig
trios_processing ./test/data/ 150 awr --lat 42.30351823 --lon 9.462897398 --odir ./test/results --method temp_opt --name _optimization --plot --figdir ./test/fig
- For
trios_processing ./test/data/ 150 iwr --lat 42.30351823 --lon 9.462897398 --odir ./test/results --no_clobber --plot --figdir ./test/fig
- For
trios_processing ./test/data/ 150 swr --lat 42.30351823 --lon 9.462897398 --odir ./test/results --no_clobber --plot --figdir ./test/fig
Warning, this part is only given for development purposes, be aware that output files from trios_processing
need to be reformatted with 3-line header format as for the example files.
Type trios_visual
in a terminal:
* Serving Flask app "trios_visual" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: Do not use the development server in a production environment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: off
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Then, click and open the running link, you should get something like:
Example files can be found in test/visualization.
- Tristan Harmel - Initial work -
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
This work has been partially supported by the Programme National de Télédétection Spatiale (PNTS, ), grant n°PNTS-2019-13