A custom, 0 dependencies (yes, not even curses/ncurses), cross-platform VIM-like console-based text editor. Tested on Windows and Linux.
A CMake Build script is provided. CMake 3.12, as well as a C++20 compliant compiler is required.
To build, run
cmake -B {buildDir} -G {buildGenerator} -S {pathToCMakeScript} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build {buildDir} --config Release
EXAMPLE (While in root dir):
cmake -B ./out -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build ./out --config Release
To use, navigate to the executable (either in {buildDir} or {buildDir}/bin most commonly). Then, run
./nve <filename.fileExtension>
nve <filename.fileExtension>
./nve test.cpp
This executable is a standalone executable, so you may also add this file to your system path and use it from anywhere
- Arrow keys cannot be held to quickly navigate through the screen on Linux.
- Cursor does not save rendered position, but rather position within the file, so cursor may appear to jump around when moving up/down
- Screen randomly flickers (not sure why, but I am working on finding the culprit)
If you would like to contribute to this project, feel free to clone this repo, make a new branch and work on any changes you see necessary. If you come across any issues, feel free to make your own fix for it, or create an issue so I am aware of it and can fix it.
From my understanding, this should still work on mac due to the Unix based nature of it, but it is untested.