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This application batch processes radio recording files for RTL-SDR-Airband. It fetches all the recording from a day, moves and renames them in the out folder, bundles them in a zip file and optionally upload them to Google Drive.

Note: This script has been put together quickly and could benefit from additional testing. Security could be improved for the zipped files but achieves a good balance between protection and ease of use for non-technical users of the archives.


Radio Recordings

All the original radio recordings should be stored in the same folder (in). When dealing with multiple frequencies, a prefix should be used to group the recordings together. A date stamp is not required in the filename as the script uses the files last modification date. However, marking the originals with a timestamp can make it much easier to see what is going on and retrieve the originals.

Example filename for an original recording: 173.64-20180309_09. In this example, the prefix is the radio frequency recorded (173.64) followed by the time stamp.

Google Drive CLI Client (gdrive)

This utility provides the ability to upload the recordings to Google Drive. Project home page


Simply clone this project in a folder. Optionally, install Google Drive CLI and configure it for use with a Google Drive account (follow projects instructions).

If you decide to automate the recording processing, create a CRON Job to run every day.

crontab -e


Simplest form

./ [path-to-originals] [path-to-processed]

[path-to-originals] is where the recordings are sourced from

[path-to-processed] is where the renamed files will be moved to and zipped


-a | --days_ago [X]

This flag will fetch and process the recordings for X days ago. The script uses "daystart" to make sure only the files for one entire day are processed.

-d | --delete

This flag will delete the original recordings once they have been processed. Helps in keeping your folders clean.


This flag shows debugging information as the program is run.

-h | --help

The manual and help section are not written in the current implementation.

-p | --prefix

The prefix for the original files. Allows processing of multiple recorded frequencies stored in one folder. The prefix is also prepended to the processed zip file.

-u | --upload [gdrive folder ID]

This flag will connect to Google Drive and upload the zipped file into the folder specified by ID.


./ -u 1STMc4lIfTMqL-Z-Ujq1w3ev-jWmi0o72 -e mp3 --days_ago 9 -p 'SIMA-173.64-' /home/tim/Desktop/radio-recordings/ /home/tim/Desktop/processed-recordings/ >> ~/Desktop/radio.log 2>&1


For the time being, we do not plan on adding these features to the script. They are listed as a reference if someone wants to update this script.

  • Ability to select Google Drive folders by name instead of by ID
  • Chose between zip and tar.gz for compression
  • Better encryption of the archive
  • Add new Cloud Storage providers
  • Write help section in script


Process radio recording files for RTL-SDR-Airband






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