Ticket Tracker Tool is a web application for ticket tracker tool's frontend. It is built using Svelte, Vite, and Playwright.
To install Ticket Tracker, run the following command:
npm install
To use Ticket Tracker, run the following commands:
npm run dev # to start the development server
npm run build # to build for production
npm run package # to package for deployment
npm run preview # to preview the production build locally
npm run test # to test with Playwright
Ticket Tracker requires the following dependencies:
- @fontsource/fira-mono@^4.5.0
- axios@^1.1.2
- cookie@^0.4.1
- @playwright/test@^1.25.0
- @sveltejs/adapter-node@^1.0.0-next.98
- @sveltejs/kit@next
- svelte@^3.46.0
- svelte-feather-icons@^4.0.0
- svelte-select@^4.4.7
- [email protected]
- svelte-simple-modal@^1