A text-based RPG. It has four levels, with each level having different enemies, items and special rooms.
A player has the following stats:
- Health points: when it reaches 0 you lose.
- Attack: the chance of successfully landing an attack.
- Strength: the damage potential.
- Defense: the damage absorption potential.
- Luck: the chance of landing a critical strike; slightlty increases the chance of evading and landing an attack.
- Evasion: the chance of evading an attack.
- Damage bonus: increases your damage by a fixed amount.
- Damage reduction: decreases the damage taken by a fixed amount.
Stats are increased by perks and equipment. Stats may also be raised temporarily by using a consumable item or an ability. Those persist for one enemy encounter.
Special rooms:
- Boss room: the final room of a level, contains a strong foe that must be defeated to reach the next level.
- Treasure rooms: there are two in each level. One contains an unique weapon and the other a powerful potion meant to be used before fighting the boss.
- Fountain room: grants the player access to new perks that are unlocked by spending experience gained from defeating enemies.
- Rune room: grants the player a new rune which has three unique abilities. Only one rune may be equipped. Using an ability costs charges. They are replenished by defeating enemies.
- Clue room: the player is given a clue regarding the whereabouts of the secret room.
- Secret room: a room which is hidden on the map. Contains an unique equippable item.
The player may use one of the following commands:
- go (or move) north/east/south/west: moves the player's coordinate in specified direction. May begin an enemy encounter if it's a generic room.
- my stats: outputs the player's stats.
- equipment: outputs the items the player has equipped.
- perks: outputs the perks the player has.
- attune perk: attempts to unlock the perk at the specified index.
- runes: outputs the runes the player has.
- equip rune: equips the rune at the specified index.
- inventory: outputs the items the player has.
- use item: uses the item at the specified index.
- drop item: drops the item at the specified index.
- map: outputs the user map.
- save: saves the game to a file with the specified name.
- load: loads the game from a file with the specified name.
- exit: exits the game.
During combat the player may use one of the following commands:
- attack: attempt to attack the enemy. This ends the player's turn.
- escape: attempt to escape from the enemy. This ends the player's turn.
- my stats: outputs the player's stats.
- enemy stats: outputs the enemy's stats.
- equipment: outputs the items the player has equipped.
- inventory: outputs the items the player has.
- use item: uses the item at the specified index. This ends the player's turn.
- use ability: attempts to use the ability at the specified index. This ends the player's turn.