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Three0 is a completely decentralized BaaS (Backed-As-A-Service) providing easy to use tools to build Web3 dApps through a Web2 lens. Three0 offers 4 main services - Database, Authentication, Storage, and Hosting.

Currently this project contains the Database and Authentication services and will soon be implementing the Storage and Hosting services.

Quick Start

To run this project locally:

  1. Prerequisites: Make sure you've installed Node.js ≥ 12
  2. Clone this repository
  3. Install dependencies: npm install
  4. Run the local development server: npm run dev (see package.json for a full list of scripts you can run with npm)

Now you'll have a local development environment backed by the NEAR TestNet!

Go ahead and play with the app and the code. As you make code changes, the app will automatically reload.

Exploring The Code

This React app was initialized with create-near-app

  1. The "backend" code lives in the /contract folder. See the README there for more info.
  2. The frontend code lives in the /src folder. /src/index.html is a great place to start exploring. Note that it loads in /src/index.js, where you can learn how the frontend connects to the NEAR blockchain.
  3. Tests: there are different kinds of tests for the frontend and the smart contract. See contract/README for info about how it's tested. The frontend code gets tested with jest. You can run both of these at once with npm run test.


Every smart contract in NEAR has its own associated account. When you run npm run dev, your smart contract gets deployed to the live NEAR TestNet with a throwaway account. When you're ready to make it permanent, here's how.

Step 0: Install near-cli (optional)

near-cli is a command line interface (CLI) for interacting with the NEAR blockchain. It was installed to the local node_modules folder when you ran npm install, but for best ergonomics you may want to install it globally:

npm install --global near-cli

Or, if you'd rather use the locally-installed version, you can prefix all near commands with npx

Ensure that it's installed with near --version (or npx near --version)

Step 1: Create an account for the contract

Each account on NEAR can have at most one contract deployed to it. If you've already created an account such as your-name.testnet, you can deploy your contract to three0.your-name.testnet. Assuming you've already created an account on NEAR Wallet, here's how to create three0.your-name.testnet:

  1. Authorize NEAR CLI, following the commands it gives you:

    near login

  2. Create a subaccount (replace YOUR-NAME below with your actual account name):

    near create-account three0.YOUR-NAME.testnet --masterAccount YOUR-NAME.testnet

Step 2: set contract name in code

Modify the line in src/config.js that sets the account name of the contract. Set it to the account id you used above.

const CONTRACT_NAME = process.env.CONTRACT_NAME || 'three0.YOUR-NAME.testnet'

Step 3: deploy!

One command:

npm run deploy

As you can see in package.json, this does two things:

  1. builds & deploys smart contract to NEAR TestNet
  2. builds & deploys frontend code to GitHub using gh-pages. This will only work if the project already has a repository set up on GitHub. Feel free to modify the deploy script in package.json to deploy elsewhere.


On Windows, if you're seeing an error containing EPERM it may be related to spaces in your path. Please see this issue for more details.

Additional Notes

NEAR Kurtosis

  • To use your own NEAR Kurtosis instance create a .env folder in the .near directory and set the KURTOSIS_URL variable to the URL of your own Kurtosis instance.
  • To use the NEAR CLI for the localnet mode (Three0's Kurtosis Instance) set the NEAR_ENV environment variable to localnet before running any near commands. This will ensure that the NEAR CLI uses the localnet node URL and keys.
    • To change back to testnet set the NEAR_ENV environment variable to testnet before running any near commands.
  • We at Three0 use our own cloud NEAR Kurtosis instance to develop. If you wish to use the testnet to develop change
case 'production':
case 'testnet':
   return {
case 'development':
case 'localnet':
	return {


case 'production':
case 'development':
case 'testnet':
   return {
case 'localnet':
	return {